Thursday, October 8

Friday, October 9, 2015

 "Dreams must be free to flee and fly high. . . . You should never agree to surrender your dreams."


Remember to hand in your raffle ticket packets during lunch in the 7th/8th grade lunch area.    Next pig races will be next Tuesday, during lunch. 

Club News
Please remember to return your Mountain Biking Club forms to Ms. Peets in Room 36. If you missed the Mountain Biking Club meeting or need forms, please see Ms. Peets in Rm. 36. The first ride is next Thursday, October 15th. You need to have your forms returned and your bike inspected by then in order to participate in that ride. Checks for the MVMS Mountain Bike Club should be made out to MVMS Mountain Bike Club.

Sports News

The NFL 8th grade flag football season is on! All 8th grade players and coaches - there is a mandatory meeting today at recess in Room 85.  Final 8th grade rosters will be posted at recess in Room 85. Games will be played at lunch from 11:45-12:15 so eat your lunch before game time and be ready to play on time.  Remember - no food or trash allowed on the field. Coaches and players remember - if your team is not playing - you are setting up the field and reffing.

Today's 8th grade games:

Comets vs Panthers Field A
Banana slugs vs Strawberriens Field B
Let’s be safe, compete with class, and have fun.

6th grade coaches - the 6th grade draft continues today at recess in room 85 with Mr. Davey.