Monday, June 25

Parents and Students!
· If you need a yearbook, we still have some for sale. $50 cash or check.
· If you have student medications here, please pick them up.
· If you have lost keys, glasses, headphones or other valuables at MVMS and have not checked at the front desk, please call or stop by.


Tuesday, June 19

We have a limited number of Mill Valley Middle School 2017/2018 Yearbooks available for purchase in the school office. They are $50 each, cash or check payable to MVMS. The school office will be open weekdays 8am-3pm through Friday, June 29th.

Thursday, June 14

Friday, June 15th, 2018

“It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.”

Students: Please ensure you take ALL of your belongings home with you today- yearbooks, backpacks, clothing, water bottles, phones, etc.

The Library will be closed TODAY after school.

There is a special schedule TODAY:
6th and 7th graders have periods 1B, 2B, 3B, Recess, then 4B, 5B and 6B. You will be dismissed at 12:40pm. If you ordered Choice Lunch, please pick it up then. 8th graders will be dismissed after their graduation breakfast and rehearsal and then return at 1:30pm for graduation lineup and the ceremony.

Wednesday, June 13

Thursday, June 14th, 2018

“From walking – something. From sitting - nothing.”

Students: Please ensure you take ALL of your belongings home with you today- yearbooks, backpacks, clothing, water bottles, phones, etc.

The Library will be closed TODAY and Friday after school. Happy Summer reading!

Tuesday, June 12

Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

“From a short pleasure comes a long repentance.”

Students: Anyone with a Library Book, Textbook, iPad (and/or accessories) turn them in now!  Students MUST return all items or pay for them TODAY or they will NOT ATTEND END OF YEAR ACTIVITIES.

The Lost and Found will be cleared out and everything donated TODAY. Get your things now!!

Everyone who ordered a yearbook will receive it from their Panther Time teacher TODAY. If you didn’t order one, Yearbooks will be available for purchase TODAY after school in front of the main office. Sales will start at 2:28pm, after the last bell. Yearbooks cost $50 and can be purchased with cash or a check made out to Mill Valley Middle School. There is no pre-order or wait list. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in room 45.

Attention MVMS- the otter pop dance celebration is TODAY in front of the PE Portables- Dance your way to a cool treat! All dancing participants get an otter pop! See you there at lunch!

Monday, June 11

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018

“Having two ears and one tongue, we should listen twice as much as we speak.”

Students: Library Books, Textbooks and iPads (and accessories for 8th graders) are all overdue!  Students MUST return all items or pay for them by WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13th at 3pm or they will NOT ATTEND END OF YEAR ACTIVITIES.

The Lost and Found will be cleared out and everything donated tomorrow, June 13th. Get your things now!!

Everyone who ordered a yearbook will receive it from their Panther Time teacher on Wednesday. If you didn’t order one, Yearbooks will be available for purchase on Wednesday, June 13th after school in front of the main office. Sales will start at 2:28pm, after the last bell. Yearbooks cost $50 and can be purchased with cash or a check made out to Mill Valley Middle School. There is no pre-order or wait list. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in room 45.

Current 8th Grade WEB Leaders: TODAY you have a 5 minute WEB meeting in Upper Earth right after school. Again, this is for current 8th grade WEB Leaders.

Attention MVMS
Are you an otter-pop lover?
Come to the party on Wednesday the 13th and you will like what you discover!
The popsicles are free, for people who dance
And the celebration is in front of the PE portables. Take a chance!
Bring your friends
And have fun before the school year ends
The party is at lunch,
Dance a bunch,
And win a munch!
Don’t forget: the otter pop palooza is Wednesday the 13th at lunch.
See you there

Friday, June 8

Monday, June 11th, 2018

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.”

We have a special schedule today. Your first session today is a Panther Time class.

Students!  Library Books and Textbooks are overdue- turn them in now!  Ipads will be collected this morning. 8th Graders will turn in their ipads AND their charging bricks and cables. 6th and 7th graders turn in the ipads only. All items will need to be returned or paid for prior to attending end-of-year activities.

The Lost and Found will be cleared out and everything donated on Wednesday, June 13th. Get your things now!!

Everyone who ordered a yearbook will receive it from their Panther Time teacher on Wednesday. If you didn’t order one, Yearbooks will be available for purchase on Wednesday, June 13th after school in front of the main office. Sales will start at 2:28pm, after the last bell. Yearbooks cost $50 and can be purchased with cash or a check made out to Mill Valley Middle School. There is no pre-order or wait list. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in room 45.

Attention MVMS
Are you an otter-pop lover?
Come to the party on Wednesday the 13th and you will like what you discover!
The popsicles are free, for people who dance
And the celebration is in front of the PE portables. Take a chance!
Bring your friends
And have fun before the school year ends
The party is at lunch,
Dance a bunch,
And win a munch!
Don’t forget: the otter pop palooza is Wednesday the 13th at lunch.
See you there

Thursday, June 7

Friday, June 8th, 2018

“My new liver may have belonged to an African-American or a Latino, or Anglo. What does it matter? We are entangled in an unbroken human chain of inter-dependence and mutual survival.”

Students!  All Library Books are overdue; Textbooks are TODAY. Ipads will be collected at the special Panther Time first session on Monday, June 11th. That’s right, at 8:40am on Monday you need to head to your Panther Time class and be prepared to hand in your ipads. 8th Graders will turn in their ipads AND their charging bricks and cables. 6th and 7th graders turn in the ipads only. All items will need to be returned or paid for prior to attending end-of-year activities.

Only a few days left to retrieve your stuff! The Lost and Found will be cleared out and everything donated next Wednesday, June 13th.

Lollipops are waiting for you at lunch TODAY behind the library. No more than three lollipops per person. Thanks in advance for having your money ready and your choice set. See you at lunch!

Forget to order a yearbook? Yearbooks will be available for purchase on Wednesday, June 13th after school in front of the main office. Sales will start at 2:28pm, after the last bell. Yearbooks cost $50 and can be purchased with cash or a check made out to Mill Valley Middle School. Be sure to bring payment to school next Wednesday if you are planning on buying a book. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in room 45.

Attention MVMS
Are you an otter-pop lover?
Come to the party on Wednesday the 13th and you will like what you discover!
The popsicles are free, for people who dance
And the celebration is in front of the PE portables. Take a chance!
Bring your friends
And have fun before the school year ends
The party is at lunch,
Dance a bunch,
And win a munch!
Don’t forget: the otter pop palooza is Wednesday the 13th at lunch.
See you there

Wednesday, June 6

Thursday, June 7th, 2018

“America is strong because of its diversity. Our history tells us this is true. “E Pluribus Unum” was a good motto in the early days of our country and it is a good motto today. From the many, one. It’s what makes us Americans.”

Students!  All Library Books are overdue; Textbooks are due tomorrow, Friday, June 8th. Ipads will be collected at the special Panther Time first session on Monday, June 11th. That’s right, at 8:40am on Monday you need to head to your Panther Time class and be prepared to hand in your ipads. 8thGraders will turn in their ipads AND their charging bricks and cables. 6th and 7th graders turn in the ipads only. All items will need to be returned or paid for prior to attending end-of-year activities.

Only a few days left to retrieve your stuff! The Lost and Found will be cleared out and everything donated next Wednesday, June 13th.

Did you hear it correctly yesterday?  Could it be true?  Yes, the Lollipop Sale has returned, and just in time!  It’s this Friday at lunch behind the library.  $1 for a little slice of heaven.

Ipads at Lunch will not be held for the remainder of the school year.

Students remember to turn in your Community Service Volunteer Sheets to the front office by the end of the day TODAY.  It is important for forms to be complete and have the reflection paragraph attached in order to get credit!!  8th graders will receive special recognition for more than 8 hours of volunteer service.

Forget to order a yearbook? Yearbooks will be available for purchase on Wednesday, June 13th after school in front of the main office. Sales will start at 2:28pm, after the last bell. Yearbooks cost $50 and can be purchased with cash or a check made out to Mill Valley Middle School. Be sure to bring payment to school next Wednesday if you are planning on buying a book. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in room 45.

Attention MVMS
Are you an otter-pop lover?
Come to the party on Wednesday the 13th and you will like what you discover!
The popsicles are free, for people who dance
And the celebration is in front of the PE portables. Take a chance!
Bring your friends
And have fun before the school year ends
The party is at lunch,
Dance a bunch,
And win a munch!
Don’t forget: the otter pop palooza is Wednesday the 13th at lunch.
See you there

Tuesday, June 5

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

“If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. Only by that, only self-respect, will you compel others to respect you.”

Students!  All Library Books are overdue; Textbooks are due Friday, June 8th. Ipads will be collected at the special Panther Time first session on Monday, June 11th. That’s right, at 8:40am on Monday you need to head to your Panther Time class and be prepared to hand in your ipads. 8th Graders will turn in their ipads AND their charging bricks and cables. 6th and 7th graders turn in the ipads only. All items will need to be turned in or paid for prior to attending end-of-year activities.

Check out the Lost and Found today and get those water bottles, sweatshirts, lunchboxes and miscellaneous equipment you’ve left behind and will need over the summer! Items will be donated next Wednesday, June 13th.

Feeling like a sweet treat is in order? You’re in luck-because the Lollipop Sale has returned! Come support the WEB program and buy a lollipop on Friday, June 8th at lunch behind the library. Yum!

Ipads at Lunch will not be held for the remainder of the school year.

If you have a Locker assigned to you, please be aware that lockers will be opened, emptied and the locks will be taken off TODAY at the end of the day. If you are having trouble getting into your locker, see Ms. Gamboa in the office.

Students remember to turn in your Community Service Volunteer Sheets to the front office by Thursday, June 7th.  It is important for forms to be complete and have the reflection paragraph attached in order to get credit!!  8th graders will receive special recognition for more than 8 hours of volunteer service.

Forget to order a yearbook? Yearbooks will be available for purchase on Wednesday, June 13th after school in front of the main office. Sales will start at 2:28pm, after the last bell. Yearbooks cost $50 and can be purchased with cash or a check made out to Mill Valley Middle School. Be sure to bring payment to school next Wednesday if you are planning on buying a book. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in room 45.

Attention MVMS
Are you an otter-pop lover?
Come to the party on Wednesday the 13th and you will like what you discover!
The popsicles are free, for people who dance
And the celebration is in front of the PE portables. Take a chance!
Bring your friends
And have fun before the school year ends
The party is at lunch,
Dance a bunch,
And win a munch!
Don’t forget: the otter pop palooza is Wednesday the 13th at lunch.
See you there

Monday, June 4

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

“You may get a laugh for the present; but you will make enemies by it. Even those who laugh with you then, [after thinking about it will dislike] you. If you have wit, use it to please, and not hurt.”

Students!  All Library Books were due yesterday and textbooks are due Friday, June 8th. Books that are not returned will need to be paid for before you attend end of the year field trips, so check those shelves at home, backpacks, lockers and under the bed and get them in!

If you have not visited the Lost and Found recently, it would be a good idea to get there this week. Items will be donated the last week of school…

If you have a Locker assigned to you, please begin clearing it out. Lockers will be opened, emptied and the locks will be taken off tomorrow, Wednesday, June 6th. If you are having trouble getting into your locker, see Ms. Gamboa in the office.

Hello Students and Parents: If a student has forgotten to bring something to school (lunch/ipad/homework/sports equipment, etc.), it can be left for them at the office if necessary. Students are encouraged to check at the office during recess, lunch or passing periods for things they think may have been delivered for them. We DO NOT NOTIFY STUDENTS- they are expected to be responsible for their own items.

Friday, June 1

Monday, June 4th, 2018

“The cruelty of violence leads nowhere. No good is obtained by contributing to its growth. Seek roads of dialogue and not those of violence.”

Attention 7th Graders: We need more drivers for our end of year McNear’s Field Trip! Parents: if you can help out, please email your child’s Panther Time teacher now. Volunteers make this fun and memorable event happen!

Students!  All Library Books are due TODAY. Books that are not returned will need to be paid for before you attend end of the year field trips, so check those shelves at home, backpacks, lockers and under the bed and get them in!

If you have not visited the Lost and Found recently, it would be a good idea to get there this week. Items will be donated the last week of school…

As a reminder to all students: Cell phones are to be turned off entirely (not on vibrate, silent or airplane mode) from the first bell until dismissal. In accordance with MVMS policy, cell phones being used or going off in class will be confiscated.

If you have a Locker assigned to you, please begin clearing it out. Lockers will be opened, emptied and the locks will be taken off on Wednesday, June 6th. Make sure you get all of your things out before then! If you are having trouble getting into your locker, see Ms. Gamboa in the office.

Hello Students and Parents: If a student has forgotten to bring something to school (lunch/ipad/homework/sports equipment, etc.), it can be left for them at the office if necessary. Students are encouraged to check at the office during recess, lunch or passing periods for things they think may have been delivered for them. We DO NOT NOTIFY STUDENTS- they are expected to be responsible for their own items.