Thursday, May 30

MVMS Daily Bulletin 6/3/19

Monday, June 3, 2019

"When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to be around him.  But, when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years."

All Students: Due to the renovation of Friends Field, the field will be closed to all students for the remainder of the school year. Please abide by all signs and warnings during the construction.

All Library books are due TODAY!  Check your school email today for overdue notices and return all library book still due.  Lost books need to be paid for before you can receive your yearbook or go on your class trip.

Where is that favorite sweatshirt/lunchbox/water bottle? It could be in our Lost and Found! Take a look before we pack it all up and give it away next Thursday!

If you are currently using a school locker, it’s time to begin cleaning it out. All lockers should be empty by the end of the day on Monday, June 10th and locks will be removed.

Parents and students remember that if you are leaving school for any reason, you must bring a note with you as your pass to leave class, and surrender it at the office when you sign out.

Please everyone clean up after yourselves after recess and lunch. LOTS of trash is being left around. Be responsible and do your part to take care of our school!

Forgot to order a yearbook?  Yearbooks will be available for purchase on Monday, June 10th, after school outside the front doors.  Sales start @ 2:50PM after the last bell.  Cost = $50, and we accept cash or check made out to MVMS.  So, be sure to bring payment to school next Monday if you plan to buy a yearbook.  Questions?  See Ms. Zeisler in room 45.

8th graders, graduation rehearsal and graduation are right around the corner.  For that day, you will be assigned to a specific room based on your last name.  On Thursday morning, June 13th, you will report to your period 1B class for attendance, then immediately to your "graduation room".  Please see the posters in the pod to know your room location.

Wednesday, May 29

Thursday, May 30th, 2019

“You will not be respected unless you respect yourself.”

All Students: Due to the renovation of Friends Field, the field will be closed to all students for the remainder of the school year. Please abide by all signs and warnings during the construction.

Where is that favorite sweatshirt/lunchbox/water bottle? It could be in our Lost and Found! Take a look before we pack it all up and give it away next Thursday!

7th Graders- We are only two weeks away from your trip to McNear’s Beach! If you have any permission forms, give them to your Panther Time teacher TODAY!

Students remember that you are not allowed to use headphones- wireless or wired- during school hours. That includes airpods! Like your cellphones and other electronics, they must be POWERED OFF and PLACED IN YOUR BACKPACK for the duration of the school day.

Please everyone clean up after yourselves after recess and lunch. LOTS of trash is being left around. Be responsible and do your part to take care of our school!

Attention 6th graders! Remember that your Green A-Team applications are due this FRIDAY May 31st in the front office by 3:30pm. If you need a form, you can find them in the front office and library. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Varboncoeur in room 25, lower sun. 

Tuesday, May 28

Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

“Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right use of strength.”

Remember TODAY is a special schedule and early dismissal. The schedule will be period 5b, 6b, Recess, 1a and 2a. Dismissal will be at 12:40pm at which time students with Choice Lunch may pick up their lunches. The building will be closed to students beginning at 12:45pm.

All Students: Due to the renovation of Friends Field, the field will be closed to all students for the remainder of the school year. Please abide by all signs and warnings during the construction.

All Concert Choir members, remember to report to the gym today at 12:25 pm, toward the end of period 2A. Please check in with your teachers at the beginning of period 2A to remind them that you are requesting to leave during the last 15 minutes of class. 

7th Graders- Did you remember to bring your McNear’s permission forms? Give them to your Panther Time teacher TODAY!

Students remember that you are not allowed to use headphones- wireless or wired- during school hours. That includes airpods! Like your cellphones and other electronics, they must be POWERED OFF and PLACED IN YOUR BACKPACK for the duration of the school day.

Please everyone clean up after your selves after recess and lunch. LOTS of trash is being left around. Be responsible and do your part to take care of our school!

Attention 6th graders! Remember that your Green A-Team applications are due this FRIDAY May 31st in the front office by 3:30pm. If you need a form, you can find them in the front office and library. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Varboncoeur in room 25, lower sun. 

Friday, May 24

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

“Mankind is composed of two sorts of men- those who love and create, and those who hate and destroy.”

7th Graders- Did you remember to bring your McNear’s permission forms? Give them to your Panther Time teacher TODAY!

Students remember that you are not allowed to use headphones- wireless or wired- during school hours. That includes airpods! Like your cellphones and other electronics, they must be POWERED OFF and PLACED IN YOUR BACKPACK for the duration of the school day.

Attention 6th graders! Remember that your Green A-Team applications are due FRIDAY May 31st in the front office by 3:30pm. Green applications have been distributed to your 6th grade teachers and can also be found in the front office and library. If you have any more questions, please see Ms. Varboncoeur in room 25, lower sun. 

Students! This is a reminder that skateboarding and scootering are not allowed on school grounds AT ANY TIME. This includes before, during and after school and the weekends. Please utilize the skate park for these activities.

Thursday, May 23

Friday, May 24th, 2019

“How has their sacrifice [as service members] made a difference in our lives?”

Attention 6th and 7th graders! TODAY is the last day to turn in design submissions for next year’s Yearbook cover. Please bring them to Room 45 Upper Wind or email digital submissions to Ms. Zeisler. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in Room 45.

It’s Kiddo! Carnival time!! Discount vouchers to the annual carnival are on sale now at the Kiddo! office TODAY from 8:30am-1:00pm. Sales will also take place at the Community Center today. THERE ARE NO TICKET SALES AT THE MIDDLE SCHOOL. The Carnival will be operating all weekend, and after the Memorial Day Parade, make sure you enjoy A Day on the Green at the Community Center. Details are on the Kiddo! website. STUDENTS ALSO REMEMBER THAT THE ENTIRE CARNIVAL SETUP IS OFF LIMITS TO STUDENTS UNTIL THE CARNIVAL OPENS TO THE PUBLIC ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON. This means you cannot be on or near rides or other attractions before or during school.

We’re proud of all of our students who represented MVMS at the World Savvy Festival at Mills College yesterday. Teams received awards at the middle school level for Sustainability and at the high school level in the Social Justice and Human Rights division. Great job!

7th Graders- Did you remember to bring your McNear’s permission forms? Give them to your Panther Time teacher TODAY!

Students remember that you are not allowed to use headphones- wireless or wired- during school hours. That includes airpods! Like your cellphones and other electronics, they must be POWERED OFF and PLACED IN YOUR BACKPACK for the duration of the school day.

Attention 6th graders! Remember that your Green A-Team applications are due NEXT FRIDAY May 31st in the front office by 3:30pm. Green applications have been distributed to your 6th grade teachers and can also be found in the front office and library. If you have any more questions, please see Ms. Varboncoeur in room 25, lower sun. 

Students! This is a reminder that skateboarding and scootering are not allowed on school grounds AT ANY TIME. This includes before, during and after school and the weekends. Please utilize the skate park for these activities.

Wednesday, May 22

Thursday, May 23rd, 2019

“A heart full of love and compassion is the main source of inner strength, willpower, happiness, and mental tranquility.”

Attention 6th and 7th graders! Tomorrow is the last day to turn in design submissions for next year’s Yearbook cover. Please bring them to Room 45 Upper Wind or email digital submissions to Ms. Zeisler. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in Room 45.

It’s Kiddo! Carnival time!! Discount vouchers to the annual carnival are on sale now at the Kiddo! office from 8:30am-3:30pm today and on Friday from 8:30am-1:00pm. Sales will also take place at the Community Center today and Friday. The Carnival will be operating all weekend, and following the Memorial Day Parade make sure you enjoy A Day on the Green at the Community Center. Details are on the Kiddo! website.

7th Graders- Did you remember to bring your McNear’s permission forms? Give them to your Panther Time teacher TODAY!

Students remember that you are not allowed to use headphones- wireless or wired- during school hours. That includes airpods! Like your cellphones and other electronics, they must be POWERED OFF and PLACED IN YOUR BACKPACK for the duration of the school day.

Attention 6th graders! Remember that your Green A-Team applications are due NEXT FRIDAY May 31st in the front office by 3:30pm. Green applications have been distributed to your 6th grade teachers and can also be found in the front office and library. If you have any more questions, please see Ms. Varboncoeur in room 25, lower sun. 

Students! This is a reminder that skateboarding and scootering are not allowed on school grounds AT ANY TIME. This includes before, during and after school and the weekends. Please utilize the skate park for these activities.

Tuesday, May 21

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019

“Nice words are free, so choose words that please another’s ears.”

Attention 6th and 7th graders! How are those Yearbook cover designs for next year coming? They are due this Friday, May 24th to room 45 in Upper Wind. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Digital submissions are also welcomed- just email them to Ms. Zeisler. Submissions are due by Friday, May 24th. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in Room 45.

It’s Kiddo! Carnival time!! Discount vouchers to the annual carnival are on sale now at the Kiddo! office from 8:30am-3:30pm today and tomorrow and on Friday from 8:30am-1:00pm. Sales will also take place at the Community Center on Thursday and Friday. The Carnival will be operating all weekend, and following the Memorial Day Parade make sure you enjoy A Day on the Green at the Community Center. Details are on the Kiddo! website.

7th Graders- Ok it’s that time: McNear’s field trip forms are now officially due to your Panther Time teacher! Turn them in TODAY!

Students remember that you are not allowed to use headphones- wireless or wired- during school hours. That includes airpods! Like your cellphones and other electronics, they must be POWERED OFF and PLACED IN YOUR BACKPACK for the duration of the school day.
Attention all 7th grade newly accepted WEB Leaders. Mr. Aquino and Ms. Varboncoeur are excited to meet all of you and welcome you to the program during our FIRST MANDATORY EVENT, Spring Play Day!! Spring Play Day is TODAY from 2-3:30 in the gym. Check Google Classroom and your email for more information and we look forward to seeing you there! 
Attention 6th graders! We enjoyed meeting you at the A-Team informational meeting yesterday. Don't forget that your Green A-Team applications are due NEXT FRIDAY June 1st in the front office by 3:30pm. Green applications have been distributed to your 6th grade teachers and can also be found in the front office and library. If you have any more questions, please see Ms. Varboncoeur in room 25, lower sun. 

Students! This is a reminder that skateboarding and scootering are not allowed on school grounds AT ANY TIME. This includes before, during and after school and the weekends. Please utilize the skate park for these activities.

Monday, May 20

Tuesday, May 21st, 2019

“There is nothing that costs so little nor goes so far as courtesy.”

Attention 6th and 7th graders! How are those Yearbook cover designs for next year coming? They are due this Friday, May 24thto room 45 in Upper Wind. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Digital submissions are also welcomed- just email them to Ms. Zeisler. Submissions are due by Friday, May 24th. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in Room 45.

7th Graders- Ok it’s that time: McNear’s field trip forms are now officially due to your Panther Time teacher! Turn them in by Wednesday, May 22nd!

Students you are reminded that you are not allowed to use headphones, wireless or wired during school hours- that includes airpods! Like your cellphones and other electronics, they must be POWERED OFF and PLACED IN YOUR BACKPACK for the duration of the school day.

Attention 6th graders! Do you remember going through WEB Orientation at the beginning of your 6th grade year? Were you hoping to one day be an 8th grade WEB Leader? Are you looking for ways to get involved in the MVMS community? Well then, the WEB A-Team is a great option for you! The A-TEAM is a major part of the running of WEB program. A-TEAM members help in the background of the orientation before school starts.  They organize supplies, ready orientation folders, and help manage all logistics that seamlessly make the day a success. And, A-TEAM members help run the lollipop sales during lunch for the rest of the year! Interested in applying to be an A-Teamer? Green applications have been distributed to your 6th grade teachers and can also be found in the front office and library. Want to learn more about A-Team before applying? An informational meeting will be held at lunch Tuesday in the multimedia room. Ms. Varboncoeur & Mr. Aquino can answer any questions you may have and you will have a chance to talk with current A-Teamers at the meeting as well! Bring your lunch and stop by--we look forward to meeting you!

Attention all 7th grade newly accepted WEB Leaders. Mr. Aquino and Ms. Varboncoeur are excited to meet all of you and welcome you to the program during our FIRST MANDATORY EVENT, Spring Play Day!! Spring Play Day is THIS WEDNESDAY, 5/22 from 2-3:30 in the gym. Check Google Classroom and your email for more information and we look forward to seeing you there!

Students! This is a reminder that skateboarding and scootering are not allowed on school grounds AT ANY TIME. This includes before, during and after school and the weekends. Please utilize the skate park for these activities.

Friday, May 17

Monday, May 20th, 2019

“America is woven of many strands.”

Attention 6th and 7th graders! How are those Yearbook cover designs for next year coming? They are due this Friday, May 24th to room 45 in Upper Wind. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Digital submissions are also welcomed- just email them to Ms. Zeisler. Submissions are due by Friday, May 24th. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in Room 45.

7th Graders- Ok it’s that time: McNear’s field trip forms are now officially due to your Panther Time teacher! Turn them in by Wednesday, May 22nd!

Students! This is a reminder that skateboarding and scootering are not allowed on school grounds AT ANY TIME. This includes before, during and after school and the weekends. Please utilize the skate park for these activities.

Thursday, May 16

Friday, May 17th, 2019

“We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles.”

It’s Spirit Week here at MVMS! Take your Friday TROPICAL! Break out those Hawaiian shirts and other school appropriate tropics-inspired outfits TODAY for our final day of spirit week. Thanks to everyone who participated. Go Panthers!

Attention 6th and 7th graders! Have any great ideas for the cover for next year’s Yearbook? We want you to design it! Submit drawings of your idea to room 45 in upper wind. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Digital submissions are also welcomed- just email them to Ms. Zeisler. Submissions are due by Friday, May 24th. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in Room 45.

The Book Fair closes TODAY! Come by before school, recess or at lunch to buy those last minute summer reads and gifts!

We need your coins for our Coin Drive!  Let’s see if we can fill up that giant jar! Bring coins to the library to help raise money to buy classroom libraries for the Bayside MLK School in Marin City.  All Mill Valley public schools are working together with a goal to raise $10,000….please bring us your coins!

7th Graders- The end of the year is fast approaching and it’s time to turn in your McNear’s field trip forms to your Panther Time teacher!

Students! This is a reminder that skateboarding and scootering are not allowed on school grounds AT ANY TIME. This includes before, during and after school and the weekends. Please utilize the skate park for these activities.

Wednesday, May 15

Thursday, May 16th, 2019
Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so is he.

It’s Spirit Week here at MVMS! TODAY you can show your Panther Spirit by wearing (school appropriate) gear from your favorite sport or sports team! Tomorrow take your Friday TROPICAL! Break out those Hawaiian shirts and other school appropriate tropics-inspired outfits. Go Panthers!

Attention 6th and 7th graders! Have any great ideas for the cover for next year’s Yearbook? We want you to design it! Submit drawings of your idea to room 45 in upper wind. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Digital submissions are also welcomed- just email them to Ms. Zeisler. Submissions are due by Friday, May 24th. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in Room 45.

The Book Fair is this week in our Library! It’s open TODAY at 8:15am, at recess, lunch and after school AND during Open House tonight! Stop by to check out the great assortment of books and be sure to bring your family TONIGHT! Sales from the fair support our library so come in often.

We need your coins for our Coin Drive!  Let’s see if we can fill up that giant jar! Bring coins to the library to help raise money to buy classroom libraries for the Bayside MLK School in Marin City.  All Mill Valley public schools are working together with a goal to raise $10,000….please bring us your coins!

7th Graders- The end of the year is fast approaching and it’s time to turn in your McNear’s field trip forms to your Panther Time teacher!

TONIGHT is Open House! Bring your parents to your classes and show off your work! Doors are open 6:30pm-8:00pm.ouse

Students! This is a reminder that skateboarding and scootering are not allowed on school grounds AT ANY TIME. This includes before, during and after school and the weekends. Please utilize the skate park for these activities.

Tuesday, May 14

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

“The sword wounds the body, but words wound the soul.”

It’s Spirit Week here at MVMS! TODAY you can wear your 90’s style with pride. Tomorrow show your Panther Spirit by wearing (school appropriate) gear from your favorite sport or sports team! Go Panthers!

Attention 6th and 7th graders! Have any great ideas for the cover for next year’s Yearbook? We want you to design it! Submit drawings of your idea to room 45 in upper wind. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Digital submissions are also welcomed- just email them to Ms. Zeisler. Submissions are due by Friday, May 24th. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in Room 45.

The Book Fair is this week in our Library! It’s open TODAY at 8:15am, at recess, lunch and after school. Stop by to check out the great assortment of books! Sales from the fair support our library so come in often!

We need your coins for our Coin Drive!  Bring coins to the library to help raise money to buy classroom libraries for the Bayside MLK School in Marin City.  All Mill Valley public schools are working together with a goal to raise $10,000….please bring us your coins!

7th Graders- The end of the year is fast approaching and it’s time to turn in your McNear’s field trip forms to your Panther Time teacher!

Monday, May 13

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

“One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. That word is LOVE.”

It’s Spirit Week here at MVMS! It’s Crazy Hair Day TODAY! Hopefully you’ve got a hairdo that’s out of this world! Tomorrow show your Panther Spirit by dressing up 90’s style! Go Panthers!

Attention 6th and 7th graders! Have any great ideas for the cover for next year’s Yearbook? We want you to design it! Submit drawings of your idea to room 45 in upper wind. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Digital submissions are also welcomed- just email them to Ms. Zeisler. Submissions are due by Friday, May 24th. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in Room 45.

The Book Fair is this week in our Library! It’s open TODAY at 8:15am, at recess, lunch and after school.  Stop by to check out the great assortment of books! Sales from the fair support our library so come in often!

We need your coins for our Coin Drive!  Bring coins to the library to help raise money to buy classroom libraries for the Bayside MLK School in Marin City.  All Mill Valley public schools are working together with a goal to raise $10,000….please bring us your coins!

7th Graders- please remember to turn in your McNear’s field trip forms to your Panther Time teacher!

Friday, May 10

Monday, May 13th, 2019

“Rudeness is the weak man’s imitation of strength.”

To celebrate the end of all-school testing we’re having a spirit week this week! Keep an eye out for posters around the school with more information. Hopefully you all rolled out of bed TODAY and came in your (school appropriate) jammies. Tomorrow give yourself a ‘do’ with that something extra!!! Nothing like Crazy Hair to brighten your day! Show your Panther Spirit all week!

Attention 6th and 7th graders! Have any great ideas for the cover for next year’s yearbook? We want you to design it! Submit drawings of your idea to room 45 in upper wind. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Digital submissions are also welcomed- just email them to Ms. Zeisler. Submissions are due by Friday, May 24th. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in Room 45.

The MVMS Book Fair is open in the library next week from 8:15am to 3:30pm. Check out the great assortment of books before school, at recess, lunchtime and after school. It will be open on Thursday during Open House, so bring in your family to shop! Proceeds support the MVMS Library.

7th Graders- please remember to turn in your McNear’s field trip forms to your Panther Time teacher!

While you’re making a trip to the Library this week, bring in your spare change for our Coin Drive. Drop coins into the giant glass bottle in the Library and all monies donated will be given to Bayside MLK School in Sausalito toward classroom libraries.

Thursday, May 9

Friday, May 10th, 2019

“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness…but signs of strength.”

Hello 8th Graders! If you have Graduation permission slips and/or donations, please turn them in to the office TODAY. They are overdue!

To celebrate a successful week of testing we are going to have a spirit week next week! Keep an eye out for posters around the school with more information. Starting with Pajama Day on Monday, Crazy Hair day on Tuesday, 90s style day on Wednesday, Sports day on Thursday, and Tropical day on Friday! Remember that you still need to dress appropriately according to the school rules!

The MVMS Book Fair is open in the library next week from 8:30am to 3:30pm. Check out the great assortment of books at recess, lunchtime and after school. It will be open on Thursday during Open House, so bring in your family to shop! Proceeds support the MVMS Library.

While you’re making a trip to the Library next week, bring in some of your spare change for our Coin Drive! All monies donated will be given to Bayside MLK School in Sausalito toward classroom libraries.

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.