Wednesday, January 31

Thursday, February 1st, 2018

“Our flag is red, white and blue, but our nation is a rainbow- red, yellow, brown, black and white… America is not like a blanket- one piece of unbroken cloth, the same color, the same texture, the same size. America is more like a quilt- many patches, many pieces, many colors, many sizes, all woven and held together by a common thread. All of us count and all of us fit somewhere.”

A great big shout out to all the students who created a valentine for a veteran as part of the Valentines for Vets program. Over the three days you created over 150 beautifully decorated cards with heartfelt notes that are sure to brighten the day of every recipient. Great job Students!

Hey Boys! Remember the upcoming Parent/Son Dance on Friday, February 9th from 7-9pm in the MVMS Gym. Boys can be accompanied by any adult that is close to their heart, regardless of gender or relation. Join us for a night you'll both remember, full of music, dancing, photos, and amazing desserts! Please wear semi-formal attire. Tickets are available through the link on the Panther Press or here:

Thank you Mill Valley Students for supporting the Southern Poverty Law Center egg hunt and raffle!  If you participated in the egg hunt yesterday, one of your tickets has the winning number.  You can come to Ms Gough’s room 32 on Friday at lunch to receive the virtual reality headset.  Write this number down now and check your ticket sometime before Friday: 147247.  The leading Panther Time class will be notified by next week’s Panther Time.  Thank you for supporting the SPLC and taking a stand against hate!

Tuesday, January 30

Wednesday, January 31st, 2018

“Remember that you are needed. There is at least one important work to be done that will not be done unless you do it.”

Did you know that right now there are 917 hate groups operating in the U.S, some of which are even in California?  You can help stop the growth and success of these groups.  The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and discrimination and seeking justice for vulnerable members of our society. Ms. Gough’s 7th grade class is holding a fundraiser to raise money for this wonderful organization. TODAY at 2:30pm, Ms. Gough's 7th grade class is hosting a raffle ticket egg hunt on the MVMS library lawn. Each egg will be filled with 1-10 raffle tickets, and one egg will even have 25 inside!  You can purchase entry to this event for just $4!  Come see us at lunch in the 7th grade area today.  Additional raffle tickets will be sold for $1.  The raffle prize is a Virtual Reality Headset, and the Panther Time class who makes the most donations will win a pizza party as well!  Come hunt for tickets with us and support a great cause.

TedEd Club will meet TODAY at lunch in room 29.

Hey Students! Want to brighten a Veteran's day? MVMS is participating in the Valentines for Vets program. Cards and supplies will be in the library at lunch TODAY and the notes you create with cheery messages will be given to veterans in the San Francisco VA Hospital. Help a Vet have a great Valentine's Day! Join us at lunch in the library!


Monday, January 29

Tuesday, January 30th, 2018

“No one knows who’s buttoned up in that jacket.”

Did you know that right now there are 917 hate groups operating in the U.S, some of which are even in California?  You can help stop the growth and success of these groups.  The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and discrimination and seeking justice for vulnerable members of our society. Ms. Gough’s 7th grade class is holding a fundraiser to raise money for this wonderful organization. Tomorrow at 2:30pm, Ms. Gough's 7th grade class is hosting a raffle ticket egg hunt on the MVMS library lawn. Each egg will be filled with 1-10 raffle tickets, and one egg will even have 25 inside!  You can purchase entry to this event for just $4!  Come see us at lunch in the 7th grade area today or tomorrow.  Additional raffle tickets will be sold for $1.  The raffle prize is a Virtual Reality Headset, and the Panther Time class who makes the most donations will win a pizza party as well!  Come hunt for tickets with us and support a great cause.

Hey Mathletes out there!  Want to know something odd? SEVEN! We have a meeting today at lunch in room 33.  See you there for some calculated fun!

We have a very important GSA meeting TODAY in the multimedia room at lunch! We will be joined by a member of The Spahr Center, Marin’s non-profit community agency devoted to serving, supporting and empowering our LGBTQ community.  We will be discussing the different programs that are available in our area and ways that we can be more involved.

Hey Students! Want to brighten a Veteran's day? MVMS is participating in the Valentines for Vets program. Cards and supplies will be in the library at lunch today and tomorrow and the notes you create with cheery messages will be given to veterans in the San Francisco VA Hospital. Help a Vet have a great Valentine's Day! Join us at lunch in the library!

Friday, January 26

Monday, January 29th, 2018

“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.”

Did you know that right now there are 917 hate groups operating in the U.S, some of which are even in California?  You can help stop the growth and success of these groups.  The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and discrimination and seeking justice for vulnerable members of our society. Ms. Gough’s 7th grade class is holding a fundraiser to raise money for this wonderful organization.  On Wednesday, January 31 at 2:30pm, Ms. Gough's 7th grade class is hosting a raffle ticket egg hunt on the MVMS library lawn. Each egg will be filled with 1-10 raffle tickets, and one egg will even have 25 inside!  You can purchase entry to this event for just $4!  Come see us at lunch in the 7th grade area every day from now through the 31st.  Additional raffle tickets will be sold for $1.  The raffle prize is a Virtual Reality Headset, and the Panther Time class who makes the most donations will win a pizza party as well!  Come hunt for tickets with us and support a great cause.

Are you missing a sweatshirt, lunchbox or water bottle? Check the Lost and Found today!

Thursday, January 25

Friday, January 26th, 2018

“I expect to pass through life but once. If there is any kindness I can show, or any good I can do, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again.”

Hey 6th Graders: It’s the 6thGrade Dance party is TONIGHT from 7-8:30pm. See the MVMS Gym like you’ve never seen it before! Dance to tunes mixed by our own MVMS DJ! Enjoy tasty snacks, cold drinks and a fun photo booth. Buy your tickets at the door. Bring your student ID (required) and $10 cash. Color theme is Black & White!

Did you know that right now there are 917 hate groups operating in the U.S, some of which are even in California?  You can help stop the growth and success of these groups.  The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and discrimination and seeking justice for vulnerable members of our society. Ms. Gough’s 7th grade class is holding a fundraiser to raise money for this wonderful organization.  On Wednesday, January 31 at 2:30pm, Ms. Gough's 7th grade class is hosting a raffle ticket egg hunt on the MVMS library lawn. Each egg will be filled with 1-10 raffle tickets, and one egg will even have 25 inside!  You can purchase entry to this event for just $4!  Come see us at lunch in the 7th grade area every day from now through the 31st.  Additional raffle tickets will be sold for $1.  The raffle prize is a Virtual Reality Headset, and the Panther Time class who makes the most donations will win a pizza party as well!  Come hunt for tickets with us and support a great cause.

Students are reminded that cell phones must be turned off- not on silent or airplane mode- from the first bell until dismissal. Students should remind their parents that they do not have access to their phones during the school day and if they need to get an urgent message to you, they should call the main office.

Wednesday, January 24

Thursday, January 25th, 2018

“Kindness goes a long way lots of times when it ought to stay at home.”

Hey 6th Graders: It’s the 6thGrade Dance party this Friday from 7-8:30pm. See the MVMS Gym like you’ve never seen it before! Dance to tunes mixed by our own MVMS DJ! Enjoy tasty snacks, cold drinks and a fun photo booth. Buy your tickets at the door. Bring your student ID (required) and $10 cash. Color theme is Black & White!


Did you know that right now there are 917 hate groups operating in the U.S, some of which are even in California?  You can help stop the growth and success of these groups.  The Southern Poverty Law Center is dedicated to fighting hate and discrimination and seeking justice for vulnerable members of our society. Ms. Gough’s 7th grade class is holding a fundraiser to raise money for this wonderful organization.  On Wednesday, January 31 at 2:30pm, Ms. Gough's 7th grade class is hosting a raffle ticket egg hunt on the MVMS library lawn. Each egg will be filled with 1-10 raffle tickets, and one egg will even have 25 inside!  You can purchase entry to this event for just $4!  Come see us at lunch in the 7th grade area every day from now through the 31st.  Additional raffle tickets will be sold for $1.  The raffle prize is a Virtual Reality Headset, and the Panther Time class who makes the most donations will win a pizza party as well!  Come hunt for tickets with us and support a great cause.

Tuesday, January 23

Wednesday, January 24th, 2018

“Kindness begets kindness.”

Hey 6th Graders: It’s the 6thGrade Dance party this Friday from 7-8:30pm. See the MVMS Gym like you’ve never seen it before! Dane to tunes mixed by our own MVMS DJ! Enjoy tasty snacks, cold drinks and a fun photo booth. Buy your tickets at the door. Bring your student ID (required) and $10 cash. Color theme is Black & White!

If you are going on the Interact Club field trip to Park School, remember to come to the office at the beginning of lunch as the group will leave right away.

TedEd Club will meet TODAY at lunch in room 29. All are welcome!

Retro Gaming Club, Group A will meet TODAY at lunch in room 11. That’s Group A!

Students TODAY we will be having a lockdown drill. Your Panther Time teachers will be reviewing the procedures with you the first part of the class, followed by the actual drill. You will be expected to follow the instructions of your teachers. The Mill Valley Police Department will be on site to evaluate our procedures and provide us with any feedback.

Monday, January 22

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

“What is true by lamplight is not always true by sunlight.”

Attention Students! We have a new Investment Club that will meet every other Tuesday beginning TODAY in Ms. Peet’s room 36. Students who participate will learn how the stock market works and how to successfully and knowledgeably invest- although of course it will not be actual money you’ll work with!

Hey 6th Graders: It’s the 6th Grade Dance party this Friday from 7-8:30pm. See the MVMS Gym like you’ve never seen it before! Dane to tunes mixed by our own MVMS DJ! Enjoy tasty snacks, cold drinks and a fun photo booth. Buy your tickets at the door. Bring your student ID (required) and $10 cash. Color theme is Black & White!

Beyond Differences will meet TODAY in the multimedia room at lunch. See you there!

Here’s a good one: Why shouldn’t you discuss infinity with a mathematician? Because you’ll never hear the end of it! Mathletes meet TODAY at lunch in room 33. See you there!

Attention WEB leaders: Those of you who signed up to work at the 6th grade Dance this Friday night must attend a MANDATORY meeting in Mr. Schulman's room 11 at lunch TODAY. If you do not come to the meeting, you MAY NOT WORK AT THE DANCE. That's TODAY at lunch in Schulman's room. See you there!

Students, on Wednesday, we will be having a lockdown drill. Your Panther Time teachers will be reviewing the procedures with you the first part of the class, followed by the actual drill. You will be expected to follow the instructions of your teachers. The Mill Valley Police Department will be on site to evaluate our procedures and provide us with any feedback.

Ms. Gough's students would like to send a huge thank you to everyone who supported our movie night fundraiser on Friday, whether you attended the event, purchased raffle tickets, or simply donated to the cause.  Thanks to you all, we raised over $700 for the non-profit Aid for Africa, and your money will go to help support orphans and children impacted by AIDS.  Raffle winners are: 3rd prize, Kyle Rudman; 2nd prize, Gabby Brandt; and 1st prize, Caroline Cope.  All raffle ticket winners should see Ms. Gough this Wednesday at lunch in room 32.  

Friday, January 19

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

“People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.”

Attention Students! We have a new Investment Club that will meet every other Tuesday beginning tomorrow, January 23rd in Ms. Peet’s room 36. Students who participate will learn how the stock market works and how to successfully and knowledgeably invest- although of course it will not be actual money you’ll work with!

Students are reminded that cell phones must be turned completely off- not on silent or airplane mode, etc.- and placed in your backpack from the first bell until dismissal. Students should remind their parents that they do not have access to their phones throughout the day and if they need to relay an URGENT message, they should call the main office.

The InterAct Club will meet TODAY in the multimedia room at lunch. New members are welcome!

Attention WEB leaders: Those of you who signed up to work at the 6th grade Dance this Friday night must attend a MANDATORY meeting in Mr. Schulman's room 11 at lunch on Tuesday--that's tomorrow. If you do not come to the meeting, you MAY NOT WORK AT THE DANCE. That's Tuesday at lunch in Schulman's room. See you there!

Students, on Wednesday, we will be having a lockdown drill. Your Panther Time teachers will be reviewing the procedures with you the first part of the class, followed by the actual drill. You will be expected to follow the instructions of your teachers. The Mill Valley Police Department will be on site to evaluate our procedures and provide us with any feedback.

Thursday, January 18

Friday, January 19th, 2018

“Getting people to like you is only the other side of liking them.”

Get ready for movie night and a chance to help the world!  Mrs. Gough’s 7th grade class will be hosting a Wonder Woman movie night fundraiser in the multimedia room TONIGHT at 6:00 pm. All money will go to Aid for Africa, an organization that supports and empowers African AIDS orphans. Your donation of $5 includes a raffle ticket and entry to the movie. Food, drinks and additional raffle tickets will be sold during the film. Raffle prizes include a Starbucks gift card, a candy basket, and lunch for you and a friend at Grilly's. Tickets will be sold in the 7th grade lunch area TODAY. Have fun and support a very worthy cause! Hope we'll see you there!

Wednesday, January 17

Thursday, January 18th, 2018

“If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other.”

Get ready for movie night and a chance to help the world!  Mrs. Gough’s 7th grade class will be hosting a Wonder Woman movie night fundraiser in the MMR tomorrow, Friday, January 19th at 6:00 pm. All money will go to Aid for Africa, an organization that supports and empowers African AIDS orphans. Your donation of $5 includes a raffle ticket and entry to the movie. Food, drinks and additional raffle tickets will be sold during the film. Raffle prizes include a Starbucks gift card, a candy basket, and lunch for you and a friend at Grilly's. Tickets will be sold in the 7th grade lunch area on Friday, January 19th. Have fun and support a very worthy cause! Hope we'll see you there!

Sk8 Club will meet TODAY if not raining or wet outside.

Tuesday, January 16

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018

“The way to develop the best in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.”

NaNoWriMo and Book Club will meets TODAY at lunch in Ms. Sterling’s room 47.

Ted Ed Club is cancelled for today. See you next week.

Retro Gaming Club Group B will meet TODAY at lunch in room 11. That’s Group B!

InterAct Club will meet TODAY in the multimedia room at lunch. All are welcome!

Get ready for movie night and a chance to help the world!  Mrs. Gough’s 7th grade class will be hosting a Wonder Woman movie night fundraiser in the MMR on Friday, January 19th at 6:00 pm. All money will go to Aid for Africa, an organization that supports and empowers African AIDS orphans. Your donation of $5 includes a raffle ticket and entry to the movie. Food, drinks and additional raffle tickets will be sold during the film. Raffle prizes include a Starbucks gift card, a candy basket, and lunch for you and a friend at Grilly's. Tickets will be sold in the 7th grade lunch area on Friday, January 19th. Have fun and support a very worthy cause! Hope we'll see you there!

WEB Leaders, did you see the notices from the coordinators about helping out at the 6th Grade Dance Party?  Feedback from you is due by the end of the day TODAY.

Friday, January 12

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

“No matter how stout, one beam cannot support a house.”

NaNoWriMo and Book Club will meet Wednesday, January 17th at lunch in Ms. Sterling’s room 47. We will talk about The Boy at the Top of the Mountain and continue to work on our writing.

GSA will meet TODAY at lunch in the multimedia room. See you there!

Get ready for movie night and a chance to help the world!  Mrs. Gough’s 7th grade class will be hosting a Wonder Woman movie night fundraiser in the MMR on Friday, January 19th at 6:00 pm. All money will go to Aid for Africa, an organization that supports and empowers African AIDS orphans. Your donation of $5 includes a raffle ticket and entry to the movie. Food, drinks and additional raffle tickets will be sold during the film. Raffle prizes include a Starbucks gift card, a candy basket, and lunch for you and a friend at Grilly's. Tickets will be sold in the 7th grade lunch area on Friday, January 19th. Have fun and support a very worthy cause! Hope we'll see you there!

Tickets for The Wizard of Oz Cabaret performances are available online through the Cabaret page on the MVMS website or here:

WEB Leaders, did you see the notices from the coordinators about helping out at the 6th Grade Dance Party?  Feedback from you is due by the end of Wednesday.
Friday, January 12th, 2018

 “I have a dream that one day in the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

NaNoWriMo and Book Club will meet next Wednesday, January 17th at lunch in Ms. Sterling’s room 47. We will talk about The Boy at the Top of the Mountain and continue to work on our writing.

Get ready for movie night and a chance to help the world!  Mrs. Gough’s 7th grade class will be hosting a Wonder Woman movie night fundraiser in the MMR on Friday, January 19th at 6:00 pm. All money will go to Aid for Africa, an organization that supports and empowers African AIDS orphans. Your donation of $5 includes a raffle ticket and entry to the movie. Food, drinks and additional raffle tickets will be sold during the film. Raffle prizes include a Starbucks gift card, a candy basket, and lunch for you and a friend at Grilly's. Tickets will be sold in the 7th grade lunch area TODAY, January 12th and Friday, January 19th. Have fun and support a very worthy cause! Hope we'll see you there!

Tickets for The Wizard of Oz Cabaret performances are available online through the Cabaret page on the MVMS website or here:

Thursday, January 11

Friday, January 12th, 2018

 “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.”

NaNoWriMo and Book Club will meet next Wednesday, January 17th at lunch in Ms. Sterling’s room 47. We will talk about The Boy at the Top of the Mountain and continue to work on our writing.

Get ready for movie night and a chance to help the world!  Mrs. Gough’s 7th grade class will be hosting a Wonder Woman movie night fundraiser in the MMR on Friday, January 19th at 6:00 pm. All money will go to Aid for Africa, an organization that supports and empowers African AIDS orphans. Your donation of $5 includes a raffle ticket and entry to the movie. Food, drinks and additional raffle tickets will be sold during the film. Raffle prizes include a Starbucks gift card, a candy basket, and lunch for you and a friend at Grilly's. Tickets will be sold in the 7th grade lunch area TODAY, January 12th and Friday, January 19th. Have fun and support a very worthy cause! Hope we'll see you there!

Tickets for The Wizard of Oz Cabaret performances are available online through the Cabaret page on the MVMS website or here:

Wednesday, January 10

Thursday, January 11, 2018

 “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter.”

NaNoWriMo and Book Club will meet next Wednesday, January 17th at lunch in Ms. Sterling’s room 47. We will talk about The Boy at the Top of the Mountain and continue to work on our writing.

Get ready for movie night and a chance to help the world!  Mrs. Gough’s 7th grade class will be hosting a Wonder Woman movie night fundraiser in the MMR on Friday, January 19th at 6:00 pm. All money will go to Aid for Africa, an organization that supports and empowers African AIDS orphans. Your donation of $5 includes a raffle ticket and entry to the movie. Food, drinks and additional raffle tickets will be sold during the film. Raffle prizes include a Starbucks gift card, a candy basket, and lunch for you and a friend at Grilly's. Tickets will be sold in the 7th grade lunch area on Friday January 12th and Friday, January 19th. Have fun and support a very worthy cause! Hope we'll see you there!

Students, remember that cell phones are to be turned off- not on silent or airplane mode- from the first bell until dismissal. Please remind your parents that you do not have access to your phone for calls or texts throughout the day and if they need to get an emergency message to you, they should call the office.

this is a test of the publishing function of Blogger for MVMS

Tuesday, January 9

Wednesday, January 10th, 2018

 “Knowledge without wisdom is a load of books on a fool’s back.”

Ted-Ed Club meets TODAY at lunch in Room 29. Join us!

NaNoWriMo and Book Club will meet next Wednesday, January 17th at lunch in Ms. Sterling’s room 47. We will talk about The Boy at the Top of the Mountain and continue to work on our writing.

Retro Gaming Club, Group A will meet TODAY in room 11 at lunch. That's Group A at lunch.

Tickets for The Wizard of Oz Cabaret performances are available online through the Cabaret page on the MVMS website or here: