Friday, January 19

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

“People are created for togetherness, not for apartness and division.”

Attention Students! We have a new Investment Club that will meet every other Tuesday beginning tomorrow, January 23rd in Ms. Peet’s room 36. Students who participate will learn how the stock market works and how to successfully and knowledgeably invest- although of course it will not be actual money you’ll work with!

Students are reminded that cell phones must be turned completely off- not on silent or airplane mode, etc.- and placed in your backpack from the first bell until dismissal. Students should remind their parents that they do not have access to their phones throughout the day and if they need to relay an URGENT message, they should call the main office.

The InterAct Club will meet TODAY in the multimedia room at lunch. New members are welcome!

Attention WEB leaders: Those of you who signed up to work at the 6th grade Dance this Friday night must attend a MANDATORY meeting in Mr. Schulman's room 11 at lunch on Tuesday--that's tomorrow. If you do not come to the meeting, you MAY NOT WORK AT THE DANCE. That's Tuesday at lunch in Schulman's room. See you there!

Students, on Wednesday, we will be having a lockdown drill. Your Panther Time teachers will be reviewing the procedures with you the first part of the class, followed by the actual drill. You will be expected to follow the instructions of your teachers. The Mill Valley Police Department will be on site to evaluate our procedures and provide us with any feedback.