Friday, August 31

Tuesday, September 4th, 2018

“The direction in which education starts a person will determine his or her future life.”

MVMS Sports News:
MVMS Volleyball tryouts are coming up! 7th Graders will try out on September 6th and 8th Graders will try out on September 11th6th Graders will try out on September 7th from 3-4pm and September 10th from 3-4pm.

Anyone with first day packets, please turn them in to your teacher or bring them to the office.

The office does NOT announce the names of students who have had items dropped off. If you have forgotten an item like your lunch, homework, PE clothes or iPad, it is your responsibility to check the cupboard at the front office during recess, lunch or during the passing period to see if someone has brought it for you. We will not call your name or send a pass.

The Marin Teen Girl Conference is looking for Ambassadors to help plan this year’s conference in March.  The selected Ambassadors will meet on Sunday evenings at 6:00pm in the new Sports Basement at Vintage Oaks in Novato.  If you are interested you can stop by and see Ms. Josephson in the counseling office or visit  This is a great way to meet teens from other schools and to get involved in our community as a leader.

Students and Parents: Please remember that if a student is arriving to school late or leaving early, they must have a signed note from the parent indicating the time and reason for the late arrival or early departure. The student will use show this note to the front office upon arrival, or will show it to the teacher in order to leave early. Complete attendance policies and procedures are on the MVMS website.

Thursday, August 30

Friday, August 31st, 2018

“We should behave to our friends as we would wish our friends to behave to us.”

MVMS Sports News:
MVMS Volleyball tryouts are coming up! 7th Graders will try out on September 6th and 8th Graders will try out on September 11th. 6th Graders will try out on September 7th from 3-4pm and September 10th from 3-4pm.

Students who have not received their iPads- Come to the conference room at recess or lunch and we will either give you your iPad or tell you what needs to happen in order for you to receive it. If you have forms or insurance checks, please bring those to the conference room as well.

Anyone with first day packets, please turn them in to your teacher or bring them to the office.

TODAY is the last day the office will announce the names of students who have had items dropped off. If you have forgotten an item like your lunch, homework, PE clothes or iPad, it is your responsibility to check the cupboard at the front office during recess, lunch or during the passing period to see if someone has brought it for you. We will not call your name or send a pass.

Wednesday, August 29

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

“If you’re going to play the game properly, you’d better know every rule.”

MVMS Sports News:
All girls interested in the MVMS Volleyball team please come to an informational meeting TODAY at lunch in the Gym. Tryouts are coming up! 7th Graders will try out on September 6thand 8th Graders will try out on September 11th.

All students interested in Cross Country, please come to the informational meeting TODAY in the gym right after school. Check out the Student Athletics page on the MVMS website for more information.

Students who have not received their iPads- Come to the conference room at recess or lunch and we will either give you your iPad or tell you what needs to happen in order for you to receive it. If you have forms or insurance checks, please bring those to the conference room as well.

Anyone with first day packets, please turn them in to your teacher or bring them to the office.

Tuesday, August 28

Wednesday, August 29th, 2018

“It is only the ignorant that despise education.”

Students: Please park your bikes in the appropriate grade level area on campus.

MVMS Sports News:
All girls interested in the MVMS Volleyball team please come to an informational meeting tomorrow, Thursday, August 30th at lunch in the Gym. Tryouts are coming up! 7th Graders will try out on September 6th and 8th Graders will try out on September 11th.

All students interested in Cross Country, please come to the informational meeting tomorrow, Thursday, August 30th in the gym right after school. Check out the Student Athletics page on the MVMS website for more information.

iPads will be distributed to the 6th graders today. If you have not completed your iPad forms online and paid the premium if you are electing insurance coverage, please do so immediately. If you are a 7th or 8th grader and still have not received your iPad, please come to the Conference Room during lunch.

Monday, August 27

Tuesday, August 28th, 2018

“Even when walking in a party of no more than three I can always be certain of learning from those I am with. There will be good qualities that I can select for imitation and bad ones that will teach me what requires correction in myself.”

Lunch time reminders: 7thand 8th graders are not allowed in the 6th grade area. After 12:15 every day the basketball hoops and the field are open to all grade levels.

All girls interested in the MVMS volleyball team please come to an informational meeting Thursday 8/30 at lunch in the Gym.

iPads will be distributed to the 6th graders tomorrow. If you have not completed your iPad forms online and paid the premium if you are electing insurance coverage, please do so immediately.

Friday, August 24

Monday, August 27th, 2018

“A fair character is a fair fortune.”

We are on a regular schedule beginning today, so everyone should be in their Period 1 or Period 1a class right now.

Lunch time reminders: 7th and 8th graders are not allowed in the 6th grade area. After 12:15 every day the basketball hoops and the field are open to all grade levels.

All girls interested in the MVMS volleyball team please come to an informational meeting Thursday 8/30 at lunch in the Gym.

Thursday, August 23

Friday, August 24th, 2018

“Without learning, without eyes.”

Remember we are following a special schedule today. You should be in your Period 1B class right now.

If you have questions, or need directions, ask a teacher, a friend, or come to the office.

A limited number of lockers are available on a first come first served basis. Locker request forms are located near the counseling hallway. Students are encouraged to share a locker if possible in order to serve as many as possible. Lockers will be assigned beginning next week. If you have questions, see Ms. Gamboa in the office.

Just a reminder to students that cell phones must be turned off- not on silent or airplane mode- from the first bell in the morning until school is dismissed for the day.

Wednesday, August 22

Thursday, August 23rd, 2018
“From good beginnings come good endings.”

Welcome to the new school year!
Remember we are starting these first two days of school with a special schedule. You should be in your Panther Time class right now.

If you have questions, please ask one of the WEB Leaders in the bright blue shirts or stop by the office.

A limited number of lockers are available on a first come first served basis. Locker request forms are located near the counseling hallway. Students are encouraged to share a locker if possible in order to serve as many as possible. Lockers will be assigned beginning next week. If you have questions, see Ms. Gamboa in the office.

Just a reminder to students that cell phones must be turned off- not on silent or airplane mode- from the first bell in the morning until school is dismissed for the day.