Wednesday, August 29

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

“If you’re going to play the game properly, you’d better know every rule.”

MVMS Sports News:
All girls interested in the MVMS Volleyball team please come to an informational meeting TODAY at lunch in the Gym. Tryouts are coming up! 7th Graders will try out on September 6thand 8th Graders will try out on September 11th.

All students interested in Cross Country, please come to the informational meeting TODAY in the gym right after school. Check out the Student Athletics page on the MVMS website for more information.

Students who have not received their iPads- Come to the conference room at recess or lunch and we will either give you your iPad or tell you what needs to happen in order for you to receive it. If you have forms or insurance checks, please bring those to the conference room as well.

Anyone with first day packets, please turn them in to your teacher or bring them to the office.