Tuesday, May 14

Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

“The sword wounds the body, but words wound the soul.”

It’s Spirit Week here at MVMS! TODAY you can wear your 90’s style with pride. Tomorrow show your Panther Spirit by wearing (school appropriate) gear from your favorite sport or sports team! Go Panthers!

Attention 6th and 7th graders! Have any great ideas for the cover for next year’s Yearbook? We want you to design it! Submit drawings of your idea to room 45 in upper wind. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Digital submissions are also welcomed- just email them to Ms. Zeisler. Submissions are due by Friday, May 24th. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in Room 45.

The Book Fair is this week in our Library! It’s open TODAY at 8:15am, at recess, lunch and after school. Stop by to check out the great assortment of books! Sales from the fair support our library so come in often!

We need your coins for our Coin Drive!  Bring coins to the library to help raise money to buy classroom libraries for the Bayside MLK School in Marin City.  All Mill Valley public schools are working together with a goal to raise $10,000….please bring us your coins!

7th Graders- The end of the year is fast approaching and it’s time to turn in your McNear’s field trip forms to your Panther Time teacher!