Friday, June 1

Monday, June 4th, 2018

“The cruelty of violence leads nowhere. No good is obtained by contributing to its growth. Seek roads of dialogue and not those of violence.”

Attention 7th Graders: We need more drivers for our end of year McNear’s Field Trip! Parents: if you can help out, please email your child’s Panther Time teacher now. Volunteers make this fun and memorable event happen!

Students!  All Library Books are due TODAY. Books that are not returned will need to be paid for before you attend end of the year field trips, so check those shelves at home, backpacks, lockers and under the bed and get them in!

If you have not visited the Lost and Found recently, it would be a good idea to get there this week. Items will be donated the last week of school…

As a reminder to all students: Cell phones are to be turned off entirely (not on vibrate, silent or airplane mode) from the first bell until dismissal. In accordance with MVMS policy, cell phones being used or going off in class will be confiscated.

If you have a Locker assigned to you, please begin clearing it out. Lockers will be opened, emptied and the locks will be taken off on Wednesday, June 6th. Make sure you get all of your things out before then! If you are having trouble getting into your locker, see Ms. Gamboa in the office.

Hello Students and Parents: If a student has forgotten to bring something to school (lunch/ipad/homework/sports equipment, etc.), it can be left for them at the office if necessary. Students are encouraged to check at the office during recess, lunch or passing periods for things they think may have been delivered for them. We DO NOT NOTIFY STUDENTS- they are expected to be responsible for their own items.