Wednesday, April 18

Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

“In the average man is curled
The hero stuff that rules the world.”

Hey 7th graders! Yes, you! This is a reminder that WEB application week is quickly coming to a close. But it’s not too late to apply! All WEB application forms are due THIS FRIDAY no later than 3:30 to the front office. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Varboncoeur or Mr. Aquino. We can’t wait to read your application!
Students: Testing begins TODAY, Wednesday, April 18th. Please remember to bring headphones or earbuds with you every day in your backpack, as they are required for testing.

Attention 8th Graders: All Stinson Beach Field trip forms and Graduation Dance Party forms and donations are due to your Panther Time teachers TODAY.