Thursday, March 15

Thursday, March 15th, 2018

“It is in dreaming the greatest dreams...seeking the highest goals…that we build the greatest tomorrows.”

Hello MVMS 7th Graders!
The 7th Grade Dance is coming soon
It’s gonna be a blast, so get there fast!
The theme is glow in the dark,
Wear bright or white colors,
It’s hard to miss the mark!
Friday, March 16th from 7-8:30 in the gym,
Just bring $10 and your id card to attend.
Great music, fun food and a photo booth…
It’s guaranteed fun- that’s the truth!
As a reminder: You must attend school tomorrow in order to go to the dance.

8th Grade Girls! Tam High Cheer Tryouts are just around the corner! Tryout practices will be March 24th through March 27th and tryouts will be Wednesday, March 28th. Check for details on the front office bulletin board.

Students: It has been reported that there have been several close calls regarding students almost being hit by cars when crossing Sycamore and Camino Alto. The students were either crossing outside the crosswalk with a green light or were looking down at their cellphones when crossing the street, not in the crosswalk. These are both dangerous actions. Please remember that as a pedestrian, skateboarder, or bicyclist, you are expected to abide by traffic laws. For your safety, only cross using the crosswalks and when the ‘Walk’ sign is on. It is always dangerous to walk while looking down at your cellphone and unaware of your surroundings. Stay safe!

Attention Sixth Graders, Attention Sixth Graders.  Very soon you will be asked to choose your electives for next year.  Chances are, however, that you don’t know as much as you’d like about your choices.  That’s why we are having an Elective Advisory during lunch tomorrow so you can ask WEB Leaders what elective classes they’ve taken and what they are like.  They can also help clarify which classes meet twice a week and which ones meet four times a week.  This Elective Advisory will be Friday in the sixth grade amphitheater.  Don’t be shy and come on by.

April 4th is our annual March Madness basketball free throw shooting
fundraiser sponsored by Boys Against Breast Cancer.  Mark the date on your calendar and start practicing your shot!and listen for more information next week! All MVMS students are welcome!

All Basketball Team members please come to the gym at lunch.