Thursday, October 6

Friday, October 7, 2016

"Be happy with what you have and you will have plenty to be happy about."

Do you need help with an assignment?  Talk to Mr. Salvatto or Ms. Palmer about signing up for After School Homework Help.  This help is available Monday and Tuesday in the Library 3PM-4PM.  You can also ask any of your teachers for information on how to sign up.

Need help with your ipad? Ms. Sprague will be in the library TODAY between 10:30am and 12:30pm to solve your ipad problems. 
WEB A-TEAMERS, please make sure you have checked your texts and/or emails regarding a lunch meeting TODAY.  Again, please make sure you have checked your texts or emails. 

Chess Club meets TODAY in Room 91 in the portables during lunch. Everyone is welcome!

Raffle ticket sales have started and each ticket you sell helps the PTSA buy the things we need for our school. Bring your raffle ticket stubs and money to the table between the 6th & 7th grade lunch areas on Monday or Tuesday. Everyone selling 10 tickets or more gets a pig to race. Remember the top three ticket sellers in each grade will receive a prize AND get to throw a pie at Mr. Nelson!
Ever feel out of the loop?  Like you've missed something important?  Well, check out our school newspaper-Panther Prints-by googling Mill Valley Middle School Panther Prints.  A new issue will be out every month making sure you're always informed.  Be sure to check the website.
Do you love to write and share your writing?  You have the opportunity to have your writing featured on the school newspaper.  Email submissions to

Do you want to make a change in the world and in your community?  If you answer yes, then join LIMBS.  LIMBS is an organization that helps people in different countries get prosthetic limbs.  
The LIMBS club is selling super cool socks TODAY and every Friday through October 23.  Buy socks so others can walk!  Come to Room 27 TODAY and bring $12.  

Photo Retake Day is October 14, 12:30-3:00pm

If you have a meeting before school, please remember to enter the building through the classroom exterior door. 

Congratulations to the newly elected Student Council Officers:  Jessie Fisher, Dakota Fox, Dexter Watenpaugh, Nathaniel Burroughs, Adrian McCory, Kayla Boon, Jack Callaghan, Eloise Weir, Georgia Smith,Quinn Rothwell, Emmet Kneafsey, Serafina Carlucci and Grace Newman.

Students at this time all cell phones and electronics need to be turned off and in your backpack.
