Monday, October 10

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

"You can't win all the time.  As long as you are doing the best you can, that's important."

Do you need help with an assignment?  Talk to Mr. Salvatto or Ms. Palmer about signing up for After School Homework Help.  This help is available Mondays and Thursdays in the Library from 3PM-4PM.  You can also ask any of your teachers for information on how to sign up.

Raffle ticket sales have started and each ticket you sell helps the PTSA buy the things we need for our school. Bring your raffle ticket stubs and money to the table between the 6th & 7th grade lunch areas TODAY. Everyone selling 10 tickets or more gets a pig to race. Remember the top three ticket sellers in each grade will receive a prize AND get to throw a pie at Mr. Nelson! 

Hey 7th & 8th Graders, your DJ Georgia Smith will be taking requests for school appropriate songs to be played during lunch on Fridays. Any student may drop a suggestion in the marked box in the library. 

Hello Suckers! Yes, it is lollipop time, and there won't be very many this year.  6th graders, this is your chance to help support the WEB program.  So many flavors, each delicious, and only $1.  Hey, as a special deal, just for you and just this week, instead we will only charge four quarters.  Write a note somewhere so you won't forget: Friday, 100 pennies, lunch, behind the library.

The MVMS Cabaret is coming! Are you interested in acting, singing, dancing, set design, costumes, stage crew and more? Mark your calendars now for the Cabaret Information Meeting on Tuesday, November 1st at lunch in the Multi Media Room. Find out what this year's show will be and what you need to do to participate.
Ever feel out of the loop?  Like you've missed something important?  Well, check out our school newspaper-Panther Prints-by googling Mill Valley Middle School Panther Prints.  A new issue will be out every month making sure you're always informed.  Be sure to check the website.
Do you love to write and share your writing?  You have the opportunity to have your writing featured on the school newspaper.  Email submissions to

Do you want to make a change in the world and in your community?  If you answer yes, then join LIMBS which helps people in different countries get prosthetic limbs.  
The LIMBS club is selling super cool socks every Friday through October 23.  Buy socks so others can walk!  Come to Room 27 on Friday and bring $12 for 3 pairs. 

Photo Retake Day is October 14, 12:30-3:00pm.  Announcements will be made during the afternoon to notify students who have not had their school picture taken or have pre-arranged to have a reshoot by selecting that option on the photo envelope and returning it to the school office by October 5. 
Students, at this time all cell phones and electronics need to be turned off and in your backpack.