Friday, November 16th, 2018
“If something that was going to chop off your
head only knocked off your cap, you should be grateful.”
Hey Students listen up: If you have a special
talent — like parkour or hip hop or breakdancing or skateboarding or
juggling or are in a band or tell jokes or yodeling or ... — SIGN up by the end
of the school day to audition for the Talent Acts within Cabaret. This year, within the show, we are featuring the
wide variety of talents all of you have!! Signups are on the Cabaret board next to Ms. Lamar’s office. TODAY is the LAST DAY TO SIGN UP, so get on
it! Crew applications need to be turned in to the office TODAY
as well. We're all in this together!
Bonjour! “A Night in
Paris”, the Parent-Daughter Dance will be held on Friday,
November 30th. Look for your invite and details in your email from
the PTSA and get your tickets for this fun evening!
Remember that great
sweatshirt you got for your birthday, or that super duper water bottle you had
just last week, but don’t have now? If you haven’t checked the Lost and Found
yet, DO IT NOW! It is overflowing with clothing, lunchboxes, and water bottles
and they’re all going to be donated over the break next week. You are strongly encouraged to come and check
for items you may not even realize have been misplaced.
MVMS Basketball tryouts are being held this week and the week
after Thanksgiving break. TODAY 6TH grade girls tryout from 3-5pm
and 7th grade girls tryout from 5-6:30pm. The full updated tryout
schedule is on the MVMS website under Student Activities>Student Athletics
and is posted on the sports bulletin board across from the library.
Lunchtime Football for 6th graders is coming up! If
you’re interested, sign up in room 85 with Mr. O’Dea. Signups end TODAY.
please power down your cell phones or other personal electronics NOW and put
them in your backpack until the end of the school day.