Tuesday, December 19

Wednesday, December 20th, 2017

 “…we must seek, above all, a world of peace;…the goal of a peaceful world must, today and tomorrow, shape our decisions and inspire our purposes.”

Students! If you have been issued a locker and are no longer using it, please see Ms. Gamboa in the office TODAY so that it can be reassigned to another student who needs one.

There will be no meeting of the Retro Gaming Club today.

Ted-Ed Club meets TODAY at lunch in room 29.

Attention 8th grade boys basketball players: Meet in the Gym at lunch TODAY.  Please bring your basketball gear, participation forms and checks in order to suit everyone in uniform.

Are you ready for the last day before break?
Dress up in your Pajamas, for Pete’s sake!
In all of your classes feel comfy and cozy
You’ll be so happy you’ll want to dance ring around the rosy

Don’t forget: Dress up in your PJs tomorrow before break