Monday, December 11

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017
“The beginning and the end of Torah is performing acts of loving kindness.”

Hey Students! Have you purchased your Yearbook yet? If not, head on over to and get one! Questions? Come see Ms. Zeisler in room 45.

Hey MVMS the season of giving is here
Remember it’s time to spread cheer
So come buy a Wintergram 
For your closest peer!
6th Graders buy them at lunch in Room 3,
7th and 8th graders buy them in room 92 
Purchase on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next week.
They are only 1 dollar so they are very cheap!
If you want an extra good deal buy 6 Wintergrams for $5
Or even buy them for your whole panther time for $15
We hope you buy a Wintergram!
All Wintergrams purchased will be delivered during Panther Time on Wednesday, December 20th.

This weekend, many MVMS student and parent volunteers and MVMS staff came together on campus for a weekend work party where we wrapped gifts, wrote cards, and ultimately delivered hundreds of MVMS Holiday Wishes gifts to five Bay Area community organizations.  It was a fun event, from the hot cider, to the holiday cookies and music, to the sense of community we shared. It took many volunteers to make the 2017 Holiday Wishes Drive a success!  Thank you to the MVMS students who came out to do event set-up, wrap and organize gifts and to MVMS families & students who volunteered to donate gifts, or came to learn from our guest speakers. Check out the Community First Bulletin Board across from the library and see fun event photos! A special thank you to the MVMS staff who rolled up their sleeves and joined in the work party. We really appreciated hearing from Homeward Bound and Sunny Hills Services, who came to the event to share stories with MVMS about their community-focused mission. Terrific job MVMS!  Thank you for putting your Community First!

Hey Mathletes! Come join us TODAY in room 33 at lunch for some calculated fun!