Monday, May 8

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

“When you are thirsty, it’s too late to think of digging the well."

Students please remember that Dress Code states that students are to dress appropriately for the school environment. Pajama pants, off the shoulder shirts, short shorts, very short skirts or dresses, or any clothing worn by any student that exposes undergarments or midriffs are not allowed. Students not within the dress code will be sent to the office to change, and disciplinary action will be taken according to school policy, which could impact participation in end of year activities.

A huge THANK YOU To all the students who spent last Saturday morning helping with the Green Team’s native plant restoration project. You are the embodiment of the saying “Many hands make light work!” And to all students we ask that you please respect the newly planted areas roped off with caution tape. The plants need time and space to get established and we thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Beyond Differences meets TODAY at lunch in the multimedia room. Join us!

Wednesday, May 10th is International Walk and Bike to School Day!
Remember to get to a green way.
Student Council will be playing music and giving out treats.
So Panthers get out your walking shoes and fill those streets!

Lunches delivered to the office are for individual students only who have forgotten their lunch and not for parties or other students. Students are not permitted to have their parents deliver group or party lunches (pizza, for example). Beverages in glass bottles are not permitted on campus due to the danger of broken glass and beverages in takeout cups cannot be left for students as they spill in the cabinet and front office areas.

Students, remember to bring your headphones to school with you every day and ensure your ipad is fully charged so that you can participate in testing over the next few weeks.

Greetings Mathletes! Bring your lunch and math know-how to room 33 today!

Attention 6th and 7th Graders! Have any great ideas for the cover of next year’s Yearbook? We want you to design it! Submit drawings of your idea to the bin outside room 10 in upper Earth. Remember to include your full name and grade level on the back. Submissions are due by Friday, May 19th. Questions? See Ms. Zeisler in room 10.

Students please power down your cell phones at this time.