Friday, May 19

Monday, May 22, 2017

“…at night you reported on how you had been useful. Useful was always the word…useful to yourself…and useful to life.”

Track Team members: Please turn in your track uniform to ASAP! If you have already turned it in, see Ms. Palmer to get your deposit check back.

Attention 8th Grade students: As a result of the continuing mess on the hill at lunch, you are no longer allowed to be on the hill during lunch. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Nelson.

The Kiddo! Carnival starts this Friday. Advance ticket vouchers are available for $25, cash or check only at the Kiddo! office starting today and through Thursday between 8:15am and 3:30pm. Students may purchase tickets for or after school.

Students please power down your cell phones at this time.