Tuesday, March 26

Wednesday, March 27th, 2019

“Do after good and leave evil behind, and it shall bring you good fame and renown.”

Remember to turn in your ballot for the California Young Reader Medal awards by Friday, March 29 at 3 p.m. Students who vote for their favorite of the three CYRM books will be invited to a pizza party in the library. 

The Movie & Games Review Club is cancelled TODAY.

Students and Parents! We are overflowing with lunchboxes, water bottles, jackets, sweaters, and sports equipment in our Lost and Found. Come and see if some of it’s yours before it’s all donated during Spring Break.

Attention all those interested in joining the Warrior wrestling club at Tam High: There will be an informational meeting with high school wrestlers and coaches TODAY at lunch in the Multimedia Room. Come on by and learn more about being on the team.

Hello 7th GRADERS: Are you interested in becoming a WEB Leader? Blue application packets are now available in every 7th grade teacher's classroom, the library and the front office. To complete the application, you must receive a parent signature and 2 teacher recommendations. So plan ahead, because the deadline is FRIDAY, April 5th! Please see Ms. Varboncoeur or Mr. Aquino with any questions.

Basketball Team members: In order to have your deposit check returned, you must return your uniform to Ms. Palmer by Friday, April 5th!

Skateboarding Students! We have received many complaints from multiple agencies, including parents, the Marin County Sheriff’s Office, Mill Valley Parks & Rec and the Mill Valley Police. They have observed many MVMS students riding without helmets. This is your reminder that helmets are REQUIRED at all times while skateboarding.