Tuesday, October 31

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

“She has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved much; who has left the world better than she found it; who has never lacked appreciation of the earth’s beauty, and who has always looked for the best in others and given the best she had.”

Hey Panthers we’re coming to the finish line!!! Make sure to bring in your raffle tickets by Thursday. Thursday is also the Grand Prix, so if you’ve won races so far, bring your racer with you and get ready to win! Winning Panther Time classes and top sellers will be announced this week. Finish strong, win prizes and support your school!

Retro Gaming Club Group B will meet TODAY at lunch in room 11. That’s Group B in room 11 at lunch.

There will be Breakdancing in the gym TODAY. Join us!

Hello fans of Martin and Caitlin from I Will Always Write Back: We are excited to announce that Caitlin will be here on Friday, November 3rd to speak to the entire school in assemblies for each grade level. We need your help generating good questions to ask her. And, for super fans, there is also an opportunity to have lunch with Caitlin that day. If you are interested in asking Caitlin a question or having lunch with her, go to the school library home page and fill out a brief questionnaire. Also, if you are finished with your book and would like to pass it along to another student at another school, please bring it to your Panther Time teacher by TODAY.

Cabaret news: Only one more day to wait…. If you are interested in participating in the 2018 MVMS Cabaret, the first thing you need to do is attend the BIG REVEAL MEETING on tomorrow at lunch in the gym. See you there!

Are you interested in having fun while engaging in meaningful community service? If so, join the new Interact Club at our first bake sale this Friday. All proceeds will benefit Homeward Bound, the main provider of housing and services to the homeless right here in Marin County. Two great ways to participate: First you can bring store-bought treats on Friday to the bin at the front desk and second you can bring a little cash and buy some great treats at lunch between the 7th & 8th grade areas and after school by the pickup lane or the KIDDO! sculpture. That’s this Friday!

And….If you’d like to join the Interact Club, come to the first meeting next Tuesday, November 7th at lunch in the multimedia room!

The Library will be closed TODAY after school for a staff meeting.

Hey Mathletes out there! What did “0” say to “8”? Nice BELT! Due to Halloween, Mathletes will meet on Friday this week in room 33 at lunch. Come for some calculated fun!

Ted Ed Club will meet TODAY at lunch in room 29. See you there!