Wednesday, August 23

Thursday, August 24th, 2017

“Every problem is an opportunity in disguise.”

Listening to the announcements each day is an important way to learn about upcoming events and hear key reminders, like the following: 

Students please remember that during lunch, all students should be outside or in the library to do some reading or work.  If you want to use the library, you need to eat your lunch outside and come to the library by 12:25.  The library will close to additional students at that time.  All other students need to be outside and not walking back and forth or hanging out in the main hallway.

The field will be closed to all students until next week.

If you have your iPad forms to turn in, please bring them to the front office as soon as possible.

Teachers, a reminder that if any student is in your class that isn’t on your roster, please send them to the front office so we can help them get to the correct class.