Friday, August 25

Monday, August 28th, 2017

“Never spend time with people who don’t respect you.”

Students please remember that during lunch, all students should be outside or in the library to do some reading or work.  If you want to use the library, you need to eat your lunch outside and come to the library by 12:25.  The library will close to additional students at that time.  All other students need to be outside and not walking back and forth or hanging out in the main hallway.

The blacktop and field will be open to students each day during lunch at 12:20pm.

If you have first day packets or emergency cards to turn in, please bring them to the office immediately.

Students: remember that phones are to be turned off, not on silent, vibrate or airplane mode and must be put away in backpacks, not pockets for the school day. Earbuds must also be put away in your backpack for the school day.

Attention all 6th and 7th grade girls interested in playing
Volleyball: This Wednesday Aug. 30th, there will be a mandatory meeting at lunch in the gym with Ms. Palmer.

8th grade Girls Volleyball try-outs will be next Tuesday, September 5th and next Thursday, September 7th in gym from 3:15-4:15pm.

Attention all students interested in running Cross Country: This Thursday August 31st there will be a meeting in the Gym at lunch. See you there!