Tuesday, June 13

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

“Every person is a darn fool for at least five minutes every day. Wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit.”

All Students: Library books, textbooks and ipads are all past due. If anything is left at home, bring it in NOW. Replacement costs are the responsibility of the student.

Reminder to 8th Graders, your Google accounts will be deleted after June 19th, so you need to archive any files you want to keep.
Questions? Email ipadsupport@mvschools.org.

All Bluegrass Club members please go to the orchestra room at lunch TODAY, Wednesday, June 14th for a special lunch meeting.

Attention all students: If you ordered a yearbook, your Panther Time teacher will distribute them during Panther Time TODAY. If you did not order a yearbook, there will be copies for sale after school in the office. Bring $50 cash or check made out to MVMS to the office after Panther Time to purchase a yearbook. If you don’t know if you have ordered one, there is a list of orders in the front office or you can check with Ms. Zeisler in Room 10.

The Lost and Found will be cleaned out and everything will be bagged for donation tomorrow, June 15th. They’re going… going… gone, so head to the lost and found and get your things before you need them this Summer and Fall.

All students with Lockers, you need to have them emptied and clean by TODAY, Wednesday, June 14th.

Attention 8th Graders: Please check the lists posted in the 8th grade pods to see the room you are assigned to for Graduation lineup on Friday. See Mr. Nelson with questions.

Students please power down your cell phones at this time.