Wednesday, March 8

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

“Step by step, one can ascend the stairs."

Lunches delivered to the office are for individual students only who have forgotten their lunch and not for parties or other students. Students are not permitted to have their parents deliver group or party lunches (pizzas, for example). Beverages in glass bottles are not permitted on campus due to the danger of broken glass. Please also ask your parents NOT to bring beverages in takeout cups as they spill in the cabinet and front office areas.

March Madness is coming to MVMS! BOYZ Against Breast Cancer is having its annual fundraiser on Wednesday, March 29th. All MVMS students can participate in this fun and exciting activity to raise money for breast cancer research. Participants: come to the gym after school on March 29th and see how many free throws you can make out of 100 attempts. Ask family and friends to pledge money for every shot you make. Prizes, raffles and a very special guest will be there to cheer you on! Watch for flyers and posters this week for more information. There will also be an informational meeting TODAY at lunch in the gym. See you there!

There is a mandatory Basketball meeting for ALL teams TODAY in the gym at lunch.

Yearbook Club meets TODAY at lunch in Room 10.

Breakdancing TODAY at lunch. Today only it will be held in the portables, classroom 85.

Got a sweet tooth? Come buy cookies, brownies and donuts for a cause. Ms. Sterling’s
class will be holding a bake sale outside the 7th grade area during lunch on Thursday and Friday. All items are $1 each and the proceeds will all go to support the Raphael House, a homeless shelter for families in San Francisco.

Students, please turn off all cell phones and electronics at this time.