Friday, March 10

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." – Albert Einstein

Lunches delivered to the office are for individual students only who have forgotten their lunch and not for parties or other students. Students are not permitted to have their parents deliver group or party lunches (pizza, for example). Beverages in glass bottles are not permitted on campus because of the danger of broken glass and please ask your parents to NOT bring beverages in takeout cups, as they spill in the cabinet and front office areas.

Mathletes meets TODAY in Ms. Ferreira’s room 33 at lunch. Come join us for calculated fun!

Beyond Differences meets TODAY at lunch in the multi-media room.

Seventh Graders! Seventh Graders!.  If you think you might be interested in becoming a WEB Leader next year, there will be an informational meeting on Tuesday, March 21, during lunch.  That’s a week from today- put it on your calendars now!

Attention 7th graders your dance is on its way
And guess what? It lands on Saint Patrick’s Day

Glow in the dark is your dance’s theme
Get pumped, shout hooray, let out a scream

Because this dance is going to be the coolest of cool
It's on March 17th, from 7-8:30, in the gym here at school

In order to get in, bring $10 and your student ID
It'll be so much fun, we promise, you'll see!

Is March Madness on your calendar?  It’s Wednesday, March 29th right after school!  Come to the gym and shoot free throws to raise money for breast cancer research.  Everyone is invited whether you play basketball or not, teachers too!  There will be an event raffle and prizes for the top fundraisers.  Make sure to pick up a flyer and sponsor sheet at the front office and start getting your friends and family to sponsor you for each successful free throw shot you make.  Or go to and sign up there!  A very special guest, Jennifer Azzi, will be attending to kick off the event!  Come to March Madness and meet the professional basketball player and Olympic champion, Jennifer Azzi!