Friday, December 16

Friday, December 16, 2016

"There can be no greater good than the quest for peace and no finer purpose than the preservation of freedom."

Students, on Rainy days the building will not be open until 8:20am. Please arrange to arrive at school around that time. When the doors open at 8:20am, 7th and 8th graders report to the library; 6th graders report to the Multi-Media Room. Once those rooms are full, students are to sit quietly by the doors at the end of the hallway, or the main hallway itself.

Did you know that every single student at MVMS will get a FREE FROZEN YOGURT OR ICE CREAM FROM WOODY'S if 75% of all families make a donation of any dollar amount to KIDDO!  by December 31st? Yes, you heard me correctly: We all get free ice cream or yogurt if we have 75% participation. PLEASE remind your parents TODAY!

Today is the Lollipop Sale during lunch behind the library. Remember to make 2 lines, be ready to choose your flavors and get through the process quickly so we can sell to as many people as we can. Also remember we need time at the end of lunch recess to clean up and get to class, so if you show up late you might not be allowed in line. One buck.

Hello? MVMS? This is student council talking
We wantedto inform you of something big, something shocking

We have an announcement that will astonish you
You’ll smile, you’ll cheer, you’ll shout “woo-hoo”

We're talking about two spirit days back to back
Next week, MVMS is going to have a spirit attack

The Wednesday before the break will be ugly sweater day
You’ll see crazy colors and patterns pass through the hallway

And last but not least, pajama day comes next
Spread the word. Call, or send out a text

This is all happening starting Wednesday, the 21st
Get ready for an explosion, because our MVMS spirit will burst

For more information, look for flyers that hang on the wall
And look forward to our spirit days; they will be a ball

Only 4 more days to donate any new or gently used jackets for our Jacket Drive.  Bring them to  Mr. Doyle or Ms.Thebaut's room.  Donations will be taken to the Marin Foster Care Center to be given to foster kids.  You could even include a holiday card.  So donate a sweater or jacket to make a child's holiday better.  

Students please turn off all cell phones and electronics at this time.