Wednesday, November 18

Thursday, November 19, 2015

 "Reflect upon your present blessings - of which man has many - not on your misfortunes, of which all men have some."

Attention Staff and Students.  In support of the city of Paris we would like to encourage all students to participate in a special spontaneous spirit day this Friday We hope you join in to show our support of this city that was hit hard by tragedy last week and we hope that your support extends to ALL countries affected by tragedies such as this.  We are asking all 6th graders to wear RED, all 7th graders to wear WHITE, and all 8th graders to wear BLUE to signify the colors of France’s flag.  Staff, please join in wearing the color that signifies the grade level you teach.  If you teach multiple grade levels then please wear all colors.  Thank you for showing your Panther Pride and for supporting those affected.
Attention all 8th graders! iPad issues?  Never fear, help is here!  Come to the library during lunch today to get answers to your questions and solutions to your problems.  And remember: email for tech support.
A reminder to all students - all skateboards and scooters MUST stay in a classroom during the school day.  NO scooters or skateboards are allowed out during recess or lunch, and there is no riding either scooters or skateboards on campus at any time.  Scooters and skateboards that are out or being ridden will be confiscated and the student will receive an office referral.
All MVMS students, please note: If you are hanging out at Starbucks or any other business in our community, before or after school,  please remember that you represent Mill Valley Middle School. You are expected to behave in a respectful, kind, safe, and responsible manner. This means following all the rules and laws of local businesses, being polite, and behaving appropriately. Please remember that many local businesses support our schools, and it is important that we are good neighbors. 

Club News

It's time to sign up for CabaretTomorrow is the Last day.  Sign up for ONE audition date (either December 1st or December 3rd) at the end of the 7th and 8th grade hallway.  Be sure to take a cast audition form or a crew application form.

Sports News

All Teams!! Ms. Palmer needs your forms and checks handed in by this Friday - November 20 - tomorrow!!!!  

8th Grade Girls Volleyball uniforms are due ASAP.  Bring them to Mr. Souza in room 48 before tomorrow to get your deposit check back.    

Flag Football
Final 6th grade LFL games are today:

Field A Dolphins vs Seahawks

Field B Panthers vs Raiders

8th graders - if you are interested in playing, please sign up at recess in room 85. Each 8th grade team will play full-field games until they have played all teams once. The season will end with playoffs and a Super Bowl.