Monday, November 30

Monday, November 30, 2015

 "Harmony seldom makes the headlines."

Students, there is construction along the multi-use path that began last Monday. If you use the path to get to school, please be sure to give yourself a little extra time in the morning.

A reminder to all students - all skateboards and scooters MUST stay in a classroom during the school day.  NO scooters or skateboards are allowed out during recess or lunch, and there is no riding either scooters or skateboards on campus at any time.  Scooters and skateboards that are out or being ridden will be confiscated and the student will receive an office referral.
All MVMS students, please note: If you are hanging out at Starbucks or any other business in our community, before or after school,  please remember that you represent Mill Valley Middle School. You are expected to behave in a respectful, kind, safe, and responsible manner. This means following all the rules and laws of local businesses, being polite, and behaving appropriately. Please remember that many local businesses support our schools, and it is important that we are good neighbors. 

Club News

Listen up, Cabaret Cast Hopefuls!  Auditions are THIS week.  Tomorrow, Dec. 1st and Thursday, Dec.  3rd.  Bring your completed application form (with photo attached) with you.  Meet in the chorus room from 3-5:30.  Be ready to dance, sing, act, and HAVE FUN!!

Sports News

LFL Superbowl is today at lunch! The Raiders will play the Dolphins on the full length of the field.