Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019
“Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints in the sands of time.”
Hello 8th Graders!
The deadline has been extended to turn in your Graduation permission
slips and donations. Please turn them in no later than next Wednesday, April 24thto
your Panther Time teachers.
Lunchtime reminders: Pick
up your trash and dispose of it appropriately after you finish eating; there is
no food allowed on the field or the play structures. Bring a non-breakable
water bottle to school and stay hydrated on warm days.
If you haven’t already,
please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day
and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane
mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated
and consequences imposed according to school policy.