Tuesday, April 30

Wednesday, May 1st, 2019

“A man’s manners are a mirror in which he shows his portrait.”

Hello 8th Graders! If you have Graduation permission slips and/or donations, please turn them in to the office TODAY. They are overdue!

Attention 7thGraders: Signups for the 4 on 4 Basketball Tournament are going on now in Room 85. See Mr. O’Dea with questions.

Congratulations to the MVMS track team for a great performance at the area track meet last Friday at Tam High!  We are sending 44 athletes to the county meet this Friday.  Wish them luck if you see them around school.  Some shout outs to the following winners in their events:  Daniel May in the 200, Gabe Aal in the 600, Ely Bogart in the long jump, James Edmondson in the 200, James Rodrigue in the 600, Andrew Sternfels in the 1200, Yuna McCormack in the 200 AND 1200, Ava Nevolo in the shot put and Sasha Gershman in the long jump.  

Happy May Day! TODAY is the day we get to bring the joy and beauty of Spring flowers to our respected senior community members at the Redwoods. Join us by bringing your completed, signed permission slips with you to the Staff Room at lunch and we’ll walk over. We appreciate your involvement in helping to make someone else’s day a little bit brighter!

Students and Parents! We will have an alternative schedule the next two weeks to accommodate State testing. It is especially important to eat well, get enough sleep, stay hydrated and each day bring your fully charged iPad and wired headphones.

The Library will be closed at lunch on Thursday for the California Young Reader Medal pizza party!

Hey Students! Gear up to ride/walk/skateboard to school on Wednesday, May 8th for National Bike to School Day. Anyone who bikes, skateboards, scooters, or walks to school on May 8th can come to the welcome table in front of the school for a treat and to enter a raffle for a Hydroflask water bottle. Get your friends to join you! Thousands of Marin students will be riding on this HUGE day of student action throughout the United States to end climate change.

Congratulations to the 7th & 8th grade Choruses and World Music Ensemble for an incredibly successful weekend of musical performances. On Friday, the students experienced an inspiring workshop and recording session with a professional Disney recording artist at Disneyland. On Saturday, each ensemble participated in the Music in the Parks competition. Cambiata, Bel Canto, and Concert Choir received a rating of “Excellent”, and Chamber and World Music Ensemble received a rating of “Superior”. Trevor Islam received “Best Student Accompanist”. The students worked hard, supported each other, and were kind and respectful. Way to go Panthers!

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Monday, April 29

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

The best index to a person’s character is: a) how he treats people who can’t do him any good, and b) how he treats people when they can’t fight back.”
                                                                                                                         Hello 8th Graders! If you have Graduation permission slips and/or donations, please turn them in to the office TODAY. They are overdue!

Attention 7thGraders: Signups for the 4 on 4 Basketball Tournament are going on now in Room 85. See Mr. O’Dea with questions.

Flower lovers! Remember we’re making May Day flower bouquets TODAY at lunch in the Staff Room. Come and help!

Students and Parents! We will have an alternative schedule the next two weeks to accommodate State testing. It is especially important to eat well, get enough sleep, stay hydrated and each day bring your fully charged iPad and wired headphones.

The Library will be closed at lunch on Thursday for the California Young Reader Medal pizza party!

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Friday, April 26

Monday, April 29th, 2019

“It is never right to compromise with dishonesty.”
Hello 8th Graders! If you have Graduation permission slips and/or donations, please turn them in to the office TODAY. They are overdue!

Attention 7thGraders: Signups for the 4 on 4 Basketball Tournament are going on now in Room 85. See Mr. O’Dea with questions.

May Day is almost here! Remember to bring in small vases or bouquets tomorrow. During lunch on Tuesday, join us in the Staff Room to help make the May Day flower bouquets. Grab a friend and help us create!

Students and Parents! We will begin state testing TOMORROW! In preparation, you should be eating well, getting enough sleep and staying hydrated; bring your fully charged iPad and wired headphones if you have them. Testing requires wired headphones- no airpods or other wireless versions can be used. There will be a special schedule

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Thursday, April 25

Friday, April 26th, 2019

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”

Hello 8th Graders! If you have Graduation permission slips and/or donations, please turn them in to the office TODAY. They are overdue!

Attention 7thGraders: Signups for the 4 on 4 Basketball Tournament are going on now in Room 85. See Mr. O’Dea with questions.

Spring is finally here and it's time to spread a bit of sunshine! Next week is our annual May Day event when we arrange and bring flowers to our respected senior communities like the Redwoods! Please bring in a small vase before next Tuesday or bring in a bouquet of flowers on Tuesday. Looking for a creative outlet?  We’d love your help!  Please come to the Staff Room next Tuesday at lunch to help make the bouquets.  One Wednesday, May Day, help us deliver them to the residents at the Redwoods. Happy Spring!

Students! We will begin state testing next week. In preparation, you should be eating well, getting enough sleep and staying hydrated. MOST IMPORTANTLY, plan on bringing your fully charged iPad and wired headphones. Testing will require wired headphones- no airpods or other wireless versions can be used. Testing begins next Tuesday.

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Wednesday, April 24

Thursday, April 25th, 2019

“When we see [people] of worth, we should think of equaling them.”

Hello 8th Graders! If you have Graduation permission slips and/or donations, please turn them in to the office TODAY.

Lunchtime reminders: Pick up your trash and dispose of it appropriately after you finish eating; there is no food allowed on the field or the play structures. Bring a non-breakable water bottle to school and stay hydrated on warm days.

Attention 7th Graders: Signups for the 4 on 4 Basketball Tournament are going on now in Room 85. See Mr. O’Dea with questions.

Students! We will begin state testing next week. In preparation, you should be eating well, getting enough sleep and staying hydrated. MOST IMPORTANTLY, plan on bringing your fully charged iPad and wired headphones. Testing will require wired headphones- no airpods or other wireless versions can be used. Testing begins next Tuesday.

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Tuesday, April 23

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019

“One person with courage makes a majority.”

Hello 8th Graders! The deadline has been extended to turn in your Graduation permission slips and donations. Please turn them TODAY to your Panther Time teachers.

Lunchtime reminders: Pick up your trash and dispose of it appropriately after you finish eating; there is no food allowed on the field or the play structures. Bring a non-breakable water bottle to school and stay hydrated on warm days.

Students! We will begin state testing next week. In preparation, you should be eating well, getting enough sleep and staying hydrated. MOST IMPORTANTLY, plan on bringing your wired headphones every day if you have them. Testing will require wired headphones- no airpods or other wireless versions can be used. Testing begins next Tuesday.

Ms. Varboncoeur & Ms. Grimes want to give a big shout out to their Earth Club members who worked hard on preparing and running the Earth Day Faire yesterday at lunch! You all demonstrated great initiative and perseverance working towards a long-term goal and seeing it through, congratulations! We will celebrate at Earth Club next Monday and don't forget to attend the lunch & learn on Thursday at lunch!

Also, thank you to all of the students and teachers who participated in the Earth Day Faire! It was inspiring to see such a large part of our school coming together to learn and create while celebrating the planet we live on! For those of you who turned in your green passport for a spot in the raffle, our winners are as follows: Amelie Green,Sophia Johnson, Ziza Rafieetary, Ruby Goldblatt, Alexander Berg, Rowan Scobie, Diego Castillo, Mirielle Harkins, Ian Kausch, Nicole Pasco, Esme Kasavin, Solomon Prather, Rebecca Newman, Abigail Marciniak, Emma Dubowitz, Theo Eschilman, Felix Clarkson, Patrick Carnahan, Lux Sparks-Pescovitz, Helen Perry, Desmond Kim
These students should report to the conference room at lunch TOMORROW, Thursday for a presentation from Wild Care, an organization who supports endangered and threatened species... you will even get to meet a few! Please see Ms. Varboncoeur with any questions.

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Monday, April 22

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019

“Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints in the sands of time.”

Hello 8th Graders! The deadline has been extended to turn in your Graduation permission slips and donations. Please turn them in no later than next Wednesday, April 24thto your Panther Time teachers.

Lunchtime reminders: Pick up your trash and dispose of it appropriately after you finish eating; there is no food allowed on the field or the play structures. Bring a non-breakable water bottle to school and stay hydrated on warm days.

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

“He who holds the ladder is as bad as the thief.”
Hello 8th Graders! The deadline has been extended to turn in your Graduation permission slips and donations. Please turn them in no later than next Wednesday, April 24thto your Panther Time teachers.

Good morning all students looking to celeb rate Earth Day! Earth Club is hosting  the Earth Day Faire during lunch TODAY in the 6th and 7th grade lunch areas. There will be 15 booths set up with fun student-run activities and local organizations including Marin Humane Society Animal Ambassadors, Seed Cake Making with One Tam, River Otter Ecology Scat ID, Westland Wheel of Fortune, garden planning and more! All grades are welcome to attend! If you plan on attending, please bring the green passport you received in class or Panther Time to get stamped at each station you visit. If you receive one stamp or more, pick up a prize at the Panther Café and enter to win a spot in the Wildcare Lunchtime presentation on Thursday! Think you may have lost your passport? Pick up another at the library today or out at our event! We look forward to celebrating our home planet with you today at lunch!

This is a special announcement from Ms. Hill’s 4th period science class. At the Earth Day event on Monday, we will have a table for you to learn about ways to save energy and you can enter a drawing to win an LED light and help tackle climate change. Hope to see you there!

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Thursday, April 18

Friday, April 19th, 2019

“Maybe the world would be a better place if we celebrated each day like a new and awesome beginning, expecting wonder and surprise.”
Hello 8th Graders! The deadline has been extended to turn in your Graduation permission slips and donations. Please turn them in no later than next Wednesday, April 24thto your Panther Time teachers.

Hey Earth lovers- Did you know that Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970? Celebrated worldwide on April 22nd, Earth Day now includes events in more than 193 countries where people all over the world demonstrate support for protecting our planet. There are many ways to celebrate Earth Day, and there are many local events happening this weekend in the Bay Area that you can get involved in. One easy and fun way you can get involved is to join us for the MVMS Earth Day Fair on Monday April 22nd at lunch. There will be lots of fun and educational booths to visit, so there is sure to be something interesting for everyone, whether your interest is helping animals, growing plants, or reducing waste. Be sure to stop by the Earth Day Mural booth to add your thumbprint to our mural to show your commitment to help the Earth. We can all learn more about how we can step up to protect this beautiful planet we call home. The Earth is depending on YOU. See you Monday at lunch for the 2nd Annual MVMS Earth Day Fair!

This is a special announcement from Ms. Hill’s 4th period science class. At the Earth Day event on Monday, we will have a table for you to learn about ways to save energy and you can enter a drawing to win an LED light and help tackle climate change. Hope to see you there!

Congrats to Max Berg, 6th Grader, for winning the MVMS Masters tournament in Golf!

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Wednesday, April 17

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

“Freedom is important to all of us as human beings.”
Hello 8th Graders! The deadline has been extended to turn in your Graduation permission slips and donations. Please turn them in no later than next Wednesday, April 24th to your Panther Time teachers.

There is a Bake Sale TODAY after school in front of the gym. Come and enjoy a treat of a cookie or cupcake and help to raise money for the Chorus program. Yum!

Have you ever felt sad seeing trash on the ground around your neighborhood, or even here at school, and wanted to do something to help? Well, now you can! Next Monday at the Earth Day Fair, you can participate in a trash clean-up at lunch to do your part to make your school environment a cleaner more beautiful place to be. You can also visit the Clean Mill Valley booth at the Earth Fair, to learn more about how to take your passion to clean up the Earth beyond your school to your neighborhood and town. Stop by the One Tam and Monarchs Booths to learn how to protect the beautiful and fragile Monarch butterflies. Making a difference starts with each one of us, one action at a time. If you care, come to the Earth Day Fair next Monday April 22nd at lunch, and help make our planet a more beautiful and healthy place to live!

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Tuesday, April 16

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019

“The way we build a better tomorrow is by building better people today.”

Hello 8thGraders! Your Graduation permission slips and donations are due to your Panther Time teachers TODAY! Please try and get them in now!

There is a Bake Sale tomorrow after school in front of the gym. Come and enjoy a treat of a cookie or cupcake and help to raise money for the Chorus program. Yum!

Do you like to put your hands in the dirt? Do you have a green thumb? That means you like to grow plants. Next Monday is the Earth Day Fair at lunch. You can help us plant some new plants in our garden beds outside of the Panther Café. What better way to celebrate Earth Day than to help create a new living thing to add oxygen to our atmosphere and beauty to our school. Watching your plant grow more a little each day is sure to brighten the rest of your school year. Be a part of the MVMS garden bed planting, or visit the Children’s Garden of Marin booth to learn more about this local project. Don’t miss the Earth Day Fair next Monday at lunch in the 6th and 7th grade areas outside.

Students please remind your parents and caregivers that MVMS has only ONE area for student drop-off and pick-up. Have them drive to the green curb at the end of Sycamore Avenue past the gym, pull all the way forward along the curb before stopping, and exit slowly. The staff parking lot next to the gym and the small parking lot in the front of the school are NOT open for drop-off/pick-up. Dropping off at the Community Center or nearby neighborhoods and walking from there is also a good option and decreases traffic congestion. Thank you for helping us to keep our campus safe.

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Monday, April 15

Tuesday, April 16th, 2019

“Heroism feels and never reasons and therefore is always right.”

Hello 8thGraders! Please review all of the Graduation information with your parents. Your permission slips and donations are due to your Panther Time teachers TOMORROW, Wednesday, April 17th.

Do you consider yourself a friend of the Earth? If so, you won’t want to miss our Earth Day Fair next Monday at Lunch in the 7th grade area. Spin the Wetland Spinner bike wheel to learn something new about our local wetland ecosystem, find out how you can bring a lunch to school that has Zero Waste, or Relax in the sunshine and make a recycled paper flower pencil that you can use. Whatever your interest, the Earth Day Fair has something for you. Show up for the Earth next Monday April 22nd outside at lunch and join the fun!

Students please remind your parents and caregivers that MVMS has only ONE area for student drop-off and pick-up. Have them drive to the green curb at the end of Sycamore Avenue past the gym, pull all the way forward along the curb before stopping, and exit slowly. The staff parking lot next to the gym and the small parking lot in the front of the school are NOT open for drop-off/pick-up. Dropping off at the Community Center or nearby neighborhoods and walking from there is also a good option and decreases traffic congestion. Thank you for helping us to keep our campus safe.

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Thursday, April 4

Friday, April 5th, 2019

“Who in the world is influencing me in a positive way?”

Hello readers!  First it was I Will Always Write Back, then it was Refugee...what will next year's All School Read be? Go to the library home page and help us choose! The All School Read committee has narrowed our choices for next year down to three great books, and now we'd like you to help rank them for us. Listen to the book talks on the library home page and then fill out an online ballot using the link that's also on the library home page. The more people who vote, the better so vote today! 

Students and Parents check our Lost and Found. Items will be donated during Spring Break.

Hello 8thGraders! Please review all of the Graduation information you received carefully with your parents and return your permission slips to your Panther Time teachers by Wednesday, April 17th.

Attention all 7th Graders WEB Leader applications are due TODAY by 3:30pm sharp in the front office!

Basketball Team members remember to return your uniforms to Ms. Palmer TODAY! Your deposit check will be cashed if they are not returned.

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Wednesday, April 3

Thursday, April 4th, 2019

“He who asks a question is a fool for a moment, but he who never asks a question is a fool forever.”

Hello readers!  First it was I Will Always Write Back, then it was Refugee...what will next year's All School Read be? Go to the library home page and help us choose! The All School Read committee has narrowed our choices for next year down to three great books, and now we'd like you to help rank them for us. Listen to the book talks on the library home page and then fill out an online ballot using the link that's also on the library home page. The more people who vote, the better so vote today! 

Students and Parents check our Lost and Found. Items will be donated during Spring Break.

Hello 8thGraders! Please review all of the Graduation information you received carefully with your parents and return your permission slips to your Panther Time teachers by Wednesday, April 17th.

Attention all 7th Graders looking to apply to be a WEB Leader next year. Your applications are due tomorrow, Friday, by 3:30pm sharp in the front office. We are looking forward to reading your applications and choosing our leaders after Spring Break! Please see Ms. Varboncoeur or Mr. Aquino if you have any questions.

Basketball Team members remember to return your uniforms to Ms. Palmer by tomorrow, Friday, April 5th! After that, your deposit check will be cashed.

It’s the last day for Who’s That Middle Schooler?
Check out the posters across from the library outside of Mr. Nelson’s office. Guess who is who. You have until TODAY to identify as many staff members as you can and submit your ballot to the box on the bookcase. One ballot per student please.

If you haven’t already, please power off your phones and other electronic devices for the school day and place them in your backpack. They cannot be on silent, vibrate or airplane mode. Cell phones that go off in class or are being used will be confiscated and consequences imposed according to school policy.

Tuesday, April 2

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019

“People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.”

There will be NO Calligraphy TODAY.

Hello readers!  First it was I Will Always Write Back, then it was Refugee...what will next year's All School Read be? Go to the library home page and help us choose! The All School Read committee has narrowed our choices for next year down to three great books, and now we'd like you to help rank them for us. Listen to the book talks on the library home page and then fill out an online ballot using the link that's also on the library home page. The more people who vote, the better so vote today! 

Students and Parents check our Lost and Found. Items will be donated during Spring Break.

Hello 8th Graders! TODAY at Panther Time you will receive Graduation Packets. Please review all of the information carefully with your parents and return your permission slips to your Panther Time teachers by Wednesday, April 17th.

Today’s the day! Remember, student council will be coming around during Panther time to ask for a dollar donation from everyone and the money will be going towards the schools in Paradise, who lost everything in the fires. If everyone gives just one dollar, we could raise over 1000 dollars! Schools around Marin County have been participating in this same dollar day fundraiser and now it’s our turn!

Attention all 7th Graders looking to apply to be a WEB Leader next year. Your applications are due THIS FRIDAY by 3:30pm sharp in the front office. We are looking forward to reading your applications and choosing our leaders after Spring Break! Please see Ms. Varboncoeur or Mr. Aquino if you have any questions.

Basketball Team members remember to return your uniforms to Ms. Palmer by Friday, April 5th!

Announcement:  Who’s That Middle Schooler?
Check out the posters across from the library outside of Mr. Nelson’s office. Guess who is who. Just put the number of the picture next to the name of the teacher you think it is on your ballot form.  If you are among the students who identify the most teachers and staff, your name will be entered into a raffle for a small prize. You have until April 4th to identify as many as you can and submit your ballot to the box on the bookcase. One ballot per student please.