Friday, September 29

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

“A clear conscience is more valuable than wealth.”

Ropes Course Information: If you have any transportation donations, please bring them to the office now. You are reminded that on the day you attend the ropes course you are required to bring your own bag lunch. If this presents a hardship to anyone, please let your counselor or Mr. Nelson know immediately. Panther Time classes of Mr. Lloyd, Ms. Howard, Ms. Manwaring & Mr. Lisker will be going on your trip this Friday, October 6th.
Students, when biking to and from school, it is imperative that you follow all bicycle laws. If there is a bike path on your route, you need to remain on it until you reach your destination and can safely and appropriately exit the path. You are also reminded that you are only allowed to ride your bike on campus DIRECTLY to the bike racks in the morning.

Calligraphy Club will meet Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30am in room 19U beginning this Wednesday, October 4th. Space is limited, so if you are on the class list and cannot attend both sessions each week, please write that in a note and give it to Ms. Canepa at the front desk.  Another student from the waiting list will be able to participate instead.

Hey Mathletes out there: What do you call three feet of trash? A junk YARD! Our first mathletes meeting is coming up, Tuesday, October 3rd at lunch in room 33. Get ready for some calculated fun! See you there!

Students! Are you looking for a great way to start the week? Come to Mindful Mondays – a club that will meet before school on Monday mornings from 7:45 to 8:30am in the multimedia room. Meetings are intended to help you learn more about your minds, yourselves, and how mindfulness and meditation can bring amore happiness into your life while helping you deal with stress, anxiety, grief, and other uncomfortable emotions and situations. Let’s enjoy each other’s company while we connect and develop tools for our wellbeing. 

Thursday, September 28

Friday, September 29th, 2017

Attention 8th graders: Anyone with Ropes Course paperwork or donations to cover transportation cost, bring it to the front office now.
Students, when biking to and from school, it is imperative that you follow all bicycle laws. If there is a bike path on your route, you need to remain on it until you reach your destination and can safely and appropriately exit the path. You are also reminded that you are only allowed to ride your bike on campus DIRECTLY to the bike racks in the morning.

All students running for Student Council MUST go to Mr. Doyle’s room 3 at lunch TODAY to watch the elections videos. See you there!

There will be no Rubik’s Cube Club or Chess Club TODAY. See you next week!

Wednesday, September 27

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

Attention 8th graders: Anyone with Ropes Course paperwork or donations to cover transportation cost, bring it to the front office now.
Yearbook Club meets TODAY in Ms. Zeisler’s room 45 at lunch.

Students: Remain in your designated grade level areas during recess and lunch. 7th and 8th graders are NOT allowed in the 6th grade area!

Students, when riding to and from school, it is imperative that you follow all bicycle laws. If there is a bike path on your route, you need to remain on it until you reach your destination and can safely and appropriately exit the path. You are also reminded that you are only allowed to ride your bike on campus DIRECTLY to the bike racks in the morning.

All students running for Student Council MUST go to Mr. Doyle’s room 3 at lunch on Friday to watch the elections videos. See you there!

Congratulations to Mr. Doyle’s and Ms. Pompanin’s Panther Time classes! Mr. Doyle’s class was the clear winner in donation amount, with a total of $250, and Ms. Pompanin’s was the winner in participation, with 19 of her students making a donation. These two classes will enjoy donuts next Panther Time. Even better, as a school we raised $2,033.00 for the Red Cross! A sincere ‘Thank You!’ to everyone who donated. Your support really changes the lives of disaster victims and every dollar helps.

There will be no Rubik’s Cube Club or Chess Club this Friday. See you next week!

Tuesday, September 26

Wednesday, September 27th, 2017

Attention 8th graders: Anyone with Ropes Course paperwork or donations to cover transportation cost, bring it to the front office now.
Yearbook Club applicants: Come to the first meeting at lunch tomorrow, Thursday, in Ms. Zeisler’s room 45. See you then!

The Ted-Ed Club meets TODAY at lunch in room 28.

Students: Remain in your designated grade level areas during recess and lunch. 7th and 8th graders are NOT allowed in the 6th grade area!

Calligraphy classes will be held Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30am beginning next Wednesday, October 4th. If you are on the class list and cannot attend the two classes each week, please write that in a note and give it to Ms. Canepa at the office. Another student from the waiting list will be able to participate instead.

If you signed up for the Retro Gaming Club, you should have received an email inviting you to a first meeting. Group B, that’s Group B, members are invited to a meeting TODAY at lunch in room 11. If you didn’t sign up for the club and would like to participate, email Mr. Schulman.

Students, when riding to and from school, it is imperative that you follow all bicycle laws. If there is a bike path on your route, you need to remain on it until you reach your destination and can safely and appropriately exit the path. You are also reminded that you are only allowed to ride your bike on campus DIRECTLY to the bike racks in the morning.

Any student who would like to be a Panther Partner, please come to room 80 at lunch TODAY.

We will be taking a picture of everyone at our school on the blacktop holding up their copy of I Will Always Write Back during Panther Time TODAY. Remember to bring your copy to your Panther Time class.

Come and Break Dance in room 85 at lunch TODAY!

There will be no Rubik’s Cube Club or Chess Club this Friday. See you next week!
Tuesday, September 26th, 2017

Attention 8th graders: Anyone with Ropes Course paperwork or donations to cover transportation cost, bring it to the front office now.
Yearbook Club applicants: Come to the first meeting at lunch on Thursday, September 28th in Ms. Zeisler’s room 45. See you then!

Students: You are reminded that during recess and lunch breaks, you are to remain in your designated grade level areas. 7th and 8th graders are NOT allowed in the 6th grade area!

Calligraphy classes will be held Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30am beginning next Wednesday, October 4th. If you are on the class list and cannot attend the two classes each week, please write that in a note and give it to Ms. Canepa at the office. Another student from the waiting list will be able to participate instead.

Mountain Biking Club is cancelled TODAY. See you next week!

Students! The Community Center is not part of the school campus and you are not allowed on the community center grounds or in the buildings at any time during the school day.

Volleyball players please turn in your paperwork to Ms. Palmer as soon as possible! 7th Grade game today at Davidson Middle School. Go Panthers!

There will be no Rubik’s Cube Club or Chess Club this Friday. See you next week!

Anyone interested in joining the Girls Sk8 Club please come to an informational meeting Thursday at lunch in Ms. Petrini’s room 4.

Remember that student volunteers will be coming around to your Panther Time classes tomorrow to accept donations for the Red Cross. The Red Cross is doing vital work to help victims of recent hurricanes and natural disasters rebuild their lives. Also, the Panther Time class which donates the greatest amount of money will get a donut party and the class that has the highest number of students making a donation of any amount will win a donut party for their class. If more than one class achieves 100% participation there will be a drawing for the donut party!

Friday, September 22

Monday, September 25th, 2017

Attention 8th graders: Anyone with Ropes Course paperwork or donations to cover transportation cost, bring it to the front office now.
Yearbook Club applicants: Come to the first meeting at lunch on Thursday, September 28th in Ms. Zeisler’s room 45. See you then!

Students: You are reminded that during recess and lunch breaks, you are to remain in your designated grade level areas. 7th and 8th graders are NOT allowed in the 6th grade area!

Calligraphy classes will be held Wednesdays and Fridays, beginning October 4th.

Mountain Biking Club will be cancelled on Tuesday this week. See you next week!

Students! The Community Center is not part of the school campus and you are not allowed on the community center grounds or in the buildings at any time during the school day. 

Thursday, September 21

Friday, September 22nd, 2017

Attention 8th graders: Anyone with Ropes Course paperwork or donations to cover transportation cost, bring it to the front office now.

TODAY there is a great opportunity to learn about what you can do for others at the Community Service Fair. It will be at lunch on the blacktop in front of the PE portables. See you there!

Do you have a great community service idea? Are you interested in applying for a grant so that you can fund your idea? Tutor Corps Foundation will award grants in the amount of $250, $500 and $750 for innovative projects that address community-based issues such as poverty, education, homelessness, health and the environment. Please see Ms. Goodman in the counseling office for details.

Yearbook Club applicants: If you turned in an application last week, come to the first meeting at lunch on Thursday, September 28th in Ms.Zeisler’s room 45. See you then!

Students: You are reminded that during recess and lunch breaks, you are to remain in your designated grade level areas. 7th and 8th graders are NOT allowed in the 6th grade area!
Attention candidates running for Student Council: Remember your posters are due by TODAY to Mr. Doyle in room 3 or Ms. Thebaut in room 92. School-wide officers are required to make 2 posters. Senators need to make one. The posters can be no larger than 2 feet by 3 feet. Good Luck!

ATEAM this is a reminder that you have a thank you lunch TODAY in room 11. You received an email about this earlier in the week. Come hungry!

Students- are you in the mood for a tasty treat? Do you want to help someone in need? MVMS is holding a fundraiser for the Red Cross before school on Monday, September 25th outside the 8th grade area. They will be selling donuts and every single dollar raised will be used for helping people recover their ordinary lives after the devastation that hurricanes Harvey and Irma caused. Volunteers will also be coming to your classrooms during the next two Panther Time classes to collect donations for the Red Cross. The Panther Time class that donates the most amount of money as well as the class that has the greatest number of students who make a donation of any amount will win a donut party for their class. Remember that’s Monday morning in the 8th grade area. 

Wednesday, September 20

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

Volleyball information:  6th grade girls volleyball will meet TODAY immediately after school.

Attention 8th graders: Anyone with Ropes Course paperwork or donations to cover transportation cost, bring it to the front office now.

To quote Martin Luther King Jr.: Life’s most urgent question is “What are you doing for others?” Tomorrow there is a great opportunity to learn about what you can do for others at the Community Service Fair. It will be at lunch on the blacktop in front of the PE portables. See you there!

Do you have a great community service idea? Are you interested in applying for a grant so that you can fund your idea? Tutor Corps Foundation will award grants in the amount of $250, $500 and $750 for innovative projects that address community-based issues such as poverty, education, homelessness, health and the environment. Please see Ms. Goodman in the counseling office for details.

Yearbook Club applicants: If you turned in an application last week, come to the first meeting at lunch on Thursday, September 28th in Ms.Zeisler’s room 45. See you then!

Attention candidates running for Student Council: Remember your posters are due by Friday to Mr. Doyle in room 3 or Ms. Thebaut in room 92. School-wide officers are required to make 2 posters. Senators need to make one. The posters can be no larger than 2 feet by 3 feet. Good Luck!

Tuesday, September 19

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

“He who cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself”.

Volleyball information: The first try-out for 7th grade girls is TODAY immediately after school. 6th grade girls volleyball will meet tomorrow, Thursday, immediately after school.

Attention 8th graders: Anyone with Ropes Course paperwork or donations to cover transportation cost, bring it to the front office now.

The Community Service Fair will be held Friday, September 22
nd during lunch on the blacktop in front of the PE portables.

Did you sign up for the Retro Gaming Club? If so, you should have received an email inviting you to a first meeting. Those of you in Group A are invited to a meeting TODAY during lunch in room 11. If you did not sign up for the club and want to be in it, send Mr. Schulman an email.

Do you have a great community service idea? Are you interested in applying for a grant so that you can fund your idea? Tutor Corps Foundation will award grants in the amount of $250, $500 and $750 for innovative projects that address community-based issues such as poverty, education, homelessness, health and the environment. Please see Ms. Goodman in the counseling office for details.

The library will be closed today after school for teacher training.

The Ted-ed Club meets TODAY during lunch in room 28.

Attention Student Council candidates: Thanks to all who turned in their applications on time last week. Please remember that your 1 minute video is due TODAY. You must submit it to Ms. Thebaut via email in order to run for office.
Tuesday, September 19th, 2017

Volleyball information: 7th graders- The first try-out for 7th grade girls will be Wednesday, September 20th from 2:45-4pm.

Attention 8th graders: Your Ropes Course paperwork is due to your Panther Time teacher ASAP!

The Community Service Fair will be held Friday, September 22
nd during lunch on the blacktop in front of the PE portables. During the fair representatives of various organizations will be on hand to provide information and answer questions.

Students: Are you interested in exploring ways for everyone to feel included at school and no one has to sit alone at lunch? Have your heard of the ‘Buddy Bench’ or the app ‘Sit with Us’? They were both created by kids like you! If you have great ideas that can help stamp out social isolation, we want you in our club Beyond Differences. Our first meeting of the year is at lunch today in the multimedia room. Everyone is welcome to attend!

Students may come into the library at lunch BEFORE 12:30pm to work quietly for the remainder of the lunch period. All other students must be outside the building.

Yearbook Club applicants! The first meeting will be next Thursday, September 28th in Ms. Zeisler’s room. 

Attention Student Council candidates: Thanks to all who turned in their applications on time last week. Please remember that your 1 minute video is due no later than tomorrow, Wednesday, September 20th. You must submit it to Ms. Thebaut via email in order to run for office.

Monday, September 18

Monday, September 18th, 2017

Volleyball information: 7th graders- The first try-out for 7th grade girls will be Wednesday, September 20th from 2:45-4pm.

Attention 8th graders: Your Ropes Course paperwork is due to your Panther Time teacher ASAP!

 he Community Service Fair will be held Friday, September 22nd during lunch on the blacktop in front of the PE portables. During the fair representatives of various organizations will be on hand to provide information and answer questions.

Reminders for all students:
You may NOT ride your skateboards on campus. Bikes are only allowed to be ridden to the bike racks in the morning and cannot be otherwise ridden on campus.

Students may come into the library at lunch BEFORE 12:30pm to work quietly for the remainder of the lunch period. All other students must be outside the building. 

Thursday, September 14

Friday, September 15th, 2017

“We have it in our power to begin the world over again.”

Volleyball information: 6th graders- Second tryout is TODAY at 3:00pm.  7th graders- The first try-out for 7th grade girls will be next Wednesday, September 20th from 2:45-4pm.

Attention 8th graders: Your Ropes Course paperwork is due to your Panther Time teacher ASAP!

Students! Are you interested in helping create the MVMS Yearbook? Yearbook Club will be starting up next week. If you missed the yearbook table at the club fair you can find the application on Ms. Zeisler’s website. Turn in your completed application to Ms. Zeisler’s room 45 in Upper Wind by TODAY.

All students running for Student Council MUST turn in their application TODAY by 3pm to Ms. Thebaut in room 92 or Mr. Doyle in room 3. You have to submit your application on time TODAY or you won’t be able to run.

Attention all 8th graders! If you are interested in the Lunchtime Football League, please sign up in room 85 by TODAY. See Mr. O’Dea or Mr. Aquino if you have any questions.

Students, if you received a note in your ipad that you would be getting a new case, please stop by ipad support at lunch TODAY. New cases are available ONLY to those students who received notes.

Remember 6TH graders that TODAY you meet with your WEB leaders at lunch in the 6th grade lunch area.

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer and giving back to your community? The Community Service Fair is a great opportunity to learn about volunteer opportunities available in Marin. The fair will be held next Friday, September 22nd during lunch on the blacktop in front of the PE portables. During the fair representatives of various organizations will be on hand to provide information and answer questions.

Reminders for all students:
You may NOT ride your skateboards on campus. Bikes are only allowed to be ridden to the bike racks in the morning and cannot be otherwise ridden on campus.

Students may come into the library at lunch BEFORE 12:30pm to work quietly for the remainder of the lunch period. All other students must be outside the building. The building is closed during lunch with the exception of students who are in the library by 12:30pm. 

Wednesday, September 13

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

“We must use our lives to make the world a better place, not just to acquire things. That is what we are put on earth for.”

Volleyball information: 6th graders- the first try-out will be TODAY at 3:30pm and the second try-out will be tomorrow at 3:00pm.  7th graders- If you are interested in playing volleyball you MUST come to the gym at lunch to get more information and sign up. The first try-out for 7th grade girls will be next Wednesday, September 20th from 2:45-4pm.

Robotics is coming! Are you interested in the Robotics Club? Come to a MANDATORY Robotics meeting TODAY at lunch in the multimedia room to learn about robotics and how to sign up. You must attend the meeting to get an application, so bring your lunch and we’ll see you there! See Mr. Wien in room 6 if you have any questions.  

Attention 8th graders: Your Ropes Course paperwork is due to your Panther Time teacher ASAP! It was due yesterday.

Students! Are you interested in helping create the MVMS Yearbook? Yearbook Club will be starting up next week. If you missed the yearbook table at the club fair you can find the application on Ms. Zeisler’s website. Turn in your completed application to Ms. Zeisler’s room 45 in Upper Wind by tomorrow, September 15th.

Attention all 8th graders! If you are interested in the Lunchtime Football League, please sign up in room 85 by tomorrow, September 15th. See Mr. O’Dea or Mr. Aquino if you have any questions.

Students, if you received a note in your ipad that you would be getting a new case, please stop by ipad support at lunch on Friday. New cases are available ONLY to those students who received notes.

Hey 6th graders! Here’s a riddle for you: what’s blue on the top and can’t wait to hear how your school year’s going? That’s right, it’s your WEB leader!

Remember that Friday you’ll have a lunchtime reunion with your 8th grade WEB leaders in the 6th grade lunch area. They are really excited to see you again and want to hear how your first few weeks of school have been. Those 6th graders who weren’t at orientation day and you don’t know who your WEB leaders are, not to worry. You are still part of the WEB group, so come find a teacher in the lunch are or near the earth pods to help you find your group. Don’t forget- tomorrow at lunch in the 6th grade lunch area. See you there!

Tuesday, September 12

Wednesday, September 13th, 2017

“The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.”

Volleyball information: 6th graders- the first try-out will be Thursday, September 14th at 3:30pm and the second try-out will be Friday, September 15th at 3:00pm.  7th graders- there is a MANDATORY meeting at lunch in the gym on Thursday, September 14th. This is for 7th grade only.

Robotics is coming! Are you interested in the Robotics Club? Come to a MANDATORY Robotics meeting this Thursday at lunch in the multimedia room to learn about robotics and how to sign up. You must attend the meeting to get an application, so bring your lunch and we’ll see you there! See Mr. Wien in room 6 if you have any questions.  

Attention 8th graders: Your Ropes Course paperwork is due to your Panther Time teacher by TODAY, Wednesday, September 13th.

Breakdancing TODAY in the gym at lunch!  

Students! Are you interested in helping create the MVMS Yearbook? Yearbook Club will be starting up next week. If you missed the yearbook table at the club fair you can find the application on Ms. Zeisler’s website. Turn in your completed application to Ms. Zeisler’s room 45 in Upper Wind by Friday, September 15th.

Attention all 8th graders! If you are interested in the Lunchtime Football League, please sign up in room 85 by Friday, September 15th. See Mr. O’Dea or Mr. Aquino if you have any questions.

This week all 6th grade students will participate in the Safe Routes to School bike program. The first class will be a presentation on bike safety. The second class will be with students on bikes. It would be a great week to bike to school! Bikes will be provided for those who do not bring their own to use.

Monday, September 11

Tuesday, September 12th, 2017

“Success at anything requires two important ingredients: enthusiasm and perseverance.”

Volleyball information: 6th graders- the first try-out will be Thursday, September 14th at 3:30pm and the second try-out will be Friday, September 15th at 3:00pm.  7th graders- there is a MANDATORY meeting at lunch in the gym on Thursday, September 14th. This is for 7th grade only.

Hello MVMS Students! Are you interested in getting involved in YOUR school? Do you want to make a difference on YOUR campus? Do you want to run fun activities here at YOUR MVMS? If you answered YES to any of those questions, then join Student Council! There will be a mandatory informational meeting about Student Council on TODAY at lunch in ROOM 3. Come see if Student Council is right for you. You must attend in order to pick up an application to run for student offices. Please see Mr. Doyle in room 3 or Ms. Thebaut in room 92 if you have any questions. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MEETING IS NOW IN ROOM 3- NOT THE MULTIMEDIA ROOM.

Robotics is coming! Are you interested in the Robotics Club? Come to a MANDATORY Robotics meeting this Thursday at lunch in the multimedia room to learn about robotics and how to sign up. You must attend the meeting to get an application, so bring your lunch and we’ll see you there! See Mr. Wien in room 6 if you have any questions.  

Attention 8th graders: Your Ropes Course paperwork is due to your Panther Time teacher by TOMORROW, Wednesday, September 13th.  

Students! Are you interested in helping create the MVMS Yearbook? Yearbook Club will be starting up next week. If you missed the yearbook table at the club fair you can find the application on Ms. Zeisler’s website. Turn in your completed application to Ms. Zeisler’s room 45 in Upper Wind by Friday, September 15th.

Anyone who is interested in the MVMS Mountain Biking Club, there will be a mandatory informational meeting at lunch on TODAY in the multimedia room. See Ms. Peets in room 36 if you have questions.

Attention all 8th graders! If you are interested in the Lunchtime Football League, please sign up in room 85 by Friday, September 15th. See Mr. O’Dea or Mr. Aquino if you have any questions.

This week all 6th grade students will participate in the Safe Routes to School bike program. The first class will be a presentation on bike safety. The second class, beginning on Wednesday, September 13th will be with students on bikes. It would be a great week to bike to school! Bikes will be provided for those who do not bring their own to use.

Friday, September 8

Monday, September 11th, 2017

“Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.”

Volleyball information: 6th graders please note that the first try-out will be Thursday, September 14th at 3:30pm and the second try-out will be Friday, September 15th at 3:00pm.

Hello MVMS Students! Are you interested in getting involved in YOUR school? Do you want to make a difference on YOUR campus? Do you want to run fun activities here at YOUR MVMS? If you answered YES to any of those questions, then join Student Council! There will be a mandatory informational meeting about Student Council on Tuesday, September 12th at lunch in the multimedia room. Come see if Student Council is right for you. You must attend in order to pick up an application to run for student offices. Please see Mr. Doyle in room 3 or Ms. Thebaut in room 92 if you have any questions. Sixth graders, be sure to talk to your teachers or ask at the office if you don’t know where the multimedia room is located. Hope to see you there!

Attention 8th graders: Your Ropes Course paperwork is due to your Panther Time teacher by Wednesday, September 13th.  

There will be NO Cross Country practice TODAY.

Afterschool Homework Help meets TODAY and every Monday and Thursday from 3-4pm in the library. All are welcome!

Students! Are you interested in helping create the MVMS Yearbook? Yearbook Club will be starting up next week. If you missed the yearbook table at the club fair you can find the application on Ms. Zeisler’s website. Turn in your completed application to Ms. Zeisler’s room 45 in Upper Wind by Friday, September 15th.

Anyone who is interested in the MVMS Mountain Biking Club, there will a mandatory informational meeting at lunch on Tuesday, September 12th in the multimedia room. See Ms. Peets if you have questions.

Attention all 8th graders! If you are interested in the Lunchtime Football League, please sign up in room 85 by Friday, September 15th. See Mr. O’Dea or Mr. Aquino if you have any questions.

This week all 6th grade students will participate in the Safe Routes to School bike program. The first class will be a presentation on bike safety. The second class, beginning on Wednesday, September 13th will be with students on bikes. It would be a great week to bike to school! Bikes will be provided for those who do not bring their own to use.

Thursday, September 7

Friday, September 8th, 2017

“Everyone should practice true humanity toward his fellow men; on that depends the future of mankind.”

Volleyball information:
6th and 7th graders interested in playing volleyball must attend the mandatory meeting TODAY, Friday, September 8th at lunch in the gym. 6th graders please note that the first try-out will be next Thursday, September 14th at 3:30pm and the second try-out will be Friday, September 15th at 3:00pm.

Hello MVMS Students! Are you interested in getting involved in YOUR school? Do you want to make a difference on YOUR campus? Do you want to run fun activities here at YOUR MVMS? If you answered YES to any of those questions, then join Student Council! There will be a mandatory informational meeting about Student Council next Tuesday, September 12th at lunch in the multimedia room. Come see if Student Council is right for you. You must attend in order to pick up an application to run for student offices. Please see Mr. Doyle in room 3 or Ms. Thebaut in room 92 if you have any questions. Sixth graders, be sure to talk to your teachers or ask at the office if you don’t know where the multimedia room is located. Hope to see you there!

Attention 8th graders: Your Ropes Course paperwork is due to your Panther Time teacher by next Wednesday, September 13th.

Students! The Club Fair will take place TODAY at 12:15pm. Please eat your lunches first and THEN come to the tables set up outside and check out the great activities MVMS has going on! Please note that signups for clubs will not BEGIN until 12:15pm. 

There will be NO Cross Country practice on Monday, September, 11th.

Hello MVMS Students! Do you need help with an assignment? Organization not really your strong suit? Or maybe a study partner could help you prepare for an upcoming quiz? Afterschool Homework Help meets in the library every Monday and Thursday from 3-4pm beginning Monday, September 11th. There are adults and students there to help you reach your academic goals. All are welcome!

Wednesday, September 6

Thursday, September 7th, 2017

“Liars, when they speak the truth, are not believed.”

If you have first day packets or emergency cards to turn in, please bring them to the office immediately.

Feel like Breakdancing? Come to the gym during lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays, beginning Monday, September 11th.

Lots of Volleyball information:
8th grade Girls Volleyball try-outs will be TODAY, September 7th in the gym from 3:15-4:15pm. For more information, visit Ms. Zeisler’s website or see her in Room 45.

6th and 7th graders interested in playing volleyball must attend the mandatory meeting Friday, September 8th at lunch in the gym. 6th graders please note that the first try-out will be next Thursday, September 14th at 3:30pm and the second try-out will be Friday, September 15th at 3:00pm.

Attention 8th graders: Your Ropes Course paperwork is due to your Panther Time teacher by next Wednesday, September 13th.

Students! The Club Fair will take place tomorrow, Friday, September 8th at lunch. Come to the tables set up outside and check out the great activities MVMS has going on!

Hello MVMS Students! Do you need help with an assignment? Organization not really your strong suit? Or maybe a study partner could help you prepare for an upcoming quiz? Afterschool Homework Help meets in the library every Monday and Thursday from 3-4pm beginning Monday, September 11th. There are adults and students there to help you reach your academic goals. All are welcome!

Tuesday, September 5

Wednesday, September 6th, 2017

“In our way of life, every decision we make, we always keep in mind the seventh generation to come.”

If you have first day packets or emergency cards to turn in, please bring them to the office immediately.

Students: remember that phones are to be turned off, not on silent, vibrate or airplane mode and must be put away in backpacks, not pockets for the school day. Earbuds must also be put away in your backpack for the school day.

Feel like Breakdancing? Come to the gym during lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays, beginning Monday, September 11th.

8th grade Girls Volleyball try-outs will be Thursday, September 7th in the gym from 3:15-4:15pm. For more information, visit Ms. Zeisler’s website or see her in Room 45.

Hello MVMS Students! Do you need help with an assignment? Organization not really your strong suit? Or maybe a study partner could help you prepare for an upcoming quiz? Afterschool Homework Help meets in the library every Monday and Thursday from 3-4pm beginning Monday, September 11th. There are adults and students there to help you reach your academic goals. All are welcome!

Friday, September 1

Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

“We should remember that virtue is not hereditary.”

If you have first day packets or emergency cards to turn in, please bring them to the office immediately.

Students: remember that phones are to be turned off, not on silent, vibrate or airplane mode and must be put away in backpacks, not pockets for the school day. Earbuds must also be put away in your backpack for the school day.

8th grade Girls Volleyball try-outs will be next TODAY, September 5th and Thursday, September 7th in the gym from 3:15-4:15pm. For more information, visit Ms. Zeisler’s website or see her in Room 45.

Attention all WEB Leaders: There is mandatory training TODAY, September 5th at lunch in the multimedia room. We will be planning your Webbie lunch and check-in that will happen later this week. We hope you brought your lunch so you’re not late from standing in line at the Panther Café. That’s TODAY for all WEB Leaders in the multimedia room at lunch. See you there!

Hello MVMS Students! Do you need help with an assignment? Organization not really your strong suit? Or maybe a study partner could help you prepare for an upcoming quiz? Afterschool Homework Help meets in the library every Monday and Thursday from 3-4pm beginning Monday, September 11th. There are adults and students there to help you reach your academic goals. All are welcome!