February 17, 2017
"Use no reproachful language against anyone, neither curse nor revile."
Thanks to all the Panther Time classes who participated in "Doorways to the World." There were many impressive and creative door decorations! The following classes won a Pizza Party: Thailand by Ms. Varboncoeur, China by Ms. Koss and Ms. Hurstmeyer, and North Korea by Mr. Lewis. Great job everyone! A special shout out to Ms. Miller and Ms. Eagle.
Hi Chess Club! We are not meeting TODAY, so will see you after the break.
Attention all students: Track
& Field starts Monday, February 27. Please meet in PE Portable 85
with Ms. Palmer after school.
Any Cabaret crew or cast members who would like to help us clean the stage to get ready for our show, join us tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 18 from 10:30-1.
MVMS Students and Staff -- we can't wait for you to see our production of Annie
the week after February break. All students will see
student assembly performances, but consider coming to a public performance
March 3-5. Ticket information is on the MVMS website!
Break dancing meets at lunch TODAY in Ms. Palmer's Portable 85.
We will be
cleaning out the Lost & Found on March 9, so pick up your missing
items before then!
Students, please
turn off all cell phones and electronics at this time.